* Thomas Hogs- “Leviathan” * State of Nature: Man before any government/community… Describes life as nasty & short, man is barbaric, and you are only alive as long as you can survive. * This starts the consent theory * Sovereign- Total power, no limits * Power comes from consent (community) NOT from god. * Examples: * Louis XIV (14th)- Ruled during the early 18th century
-Considered himself the “Son King”
-Built palaces in Versa
-Said “I am the state”
-Very conceited
-wanted to create a French empire, was almost always in war * Peter The Great -Russian ruler -Named an entire city after himself (unlike Louis XIV, who only named buildings after his name). -Noticed how the Westerners dressed and their way of life and forced the Russians to transform into this image. From the clothing, music, to ship making. -His own wife and son plotted against him, so he had them killed. -“Old Believers”- People who didn’t want to change the traditional ways of the Russians -“New Believers”- People who wanted see change within the Russian culture and lifestyle. -Created colleges, taxed, and Russia was in war during his reign.
* Absolutist rulers
-Peter the great
-Louis XIV
-Frederick the great
* Frederick the great- (1713-1740) Russia * Very “Spartan lifestyle” was all business. * Paid for government expenses out of his own pocket. * Ran everything by a timeline * Increased the army * Did NOT like going to war
* “General Directory of Finance War” * Controlled everything except: Education etc… * Had a network of spies * Enjoyed reading Voltaire and watching plays
* Stewarts in Russia * 4 Stewarts * Insisted on ABSOLUTE POWER * 1688- “The Glorious Revolution” * Replacement of kings with more restricting powers, and more power to