and Fiona had seemed so nervous about the whole thing when she’d pulled Lalette aside to tell her the new -- almost frightened.
Biting her lip, Lalette turned the page, and again and again she was faced with illustrations of the female form in various poses. Each one had names and descriptions of what their working parts were -- but none of it was what she was looking for. Wives were to be wary of their husbands, not husbands of their wives... That meant that there was something different beyond the obvious, something men had that women didn’t -- something that connected the two... Something horrible that left the sheets bloody! When she finally found the page, Lalette’s hand moved slowly to the edge of the book.
She had never seen a man without his clothes before, and she had never considered that they would be so different beneath despite the already obvious differences between the two. Men were often taller with broader shoulders, and their hands were coarser, rougher at the fingers and thumb... Their jaws were often more striking, sharper even, more defined -- and where women had breasts to contend with men only had