allowing for bacteria to grow because its damp all the time and with sunny soil its dry and the sun is killing the bacteria. With sand just being fine rocks with very little if any humus in it. In the set up I made sure that I held down the graduated cylinder firmly so that I would’nt cut off the flow of hydrogen peroxide into the graduated cylinder by sqeezing the rubber tubing to tight so I kept a light but firm enough grip so that the water wasn’t just slowly seeping out. If I were to do this experiment again I would test it multiple times because I don’t think the sand would have any humus on it if any so I would wash the sand off in a fine strainer and let it dry out because that would make sure that there wasn’t humus on other materials that touched the sand. Also because the graduated cylinder is lifted for the rubber tubing to go into it I would get something the size of a graduate cylinder in it though with a hole in it to run rubber tubing through so human error would’nt effect the experiment. Because if you held it down to tight you wouldn’t get a high enough result and to light you would be letting more water out than the gas was. Which would make the experiment not able to reproduce results accuretly and ultimetly not a accurate experiment resu
allowing for bacteria to grow because its damp all the time and with sunny soil its dry and the sun is killing the bacteria. With sand just being fine rocks with very little if any humus in it. In the set up I made sure that I held down the graduated cylinder firmly so that I would’nt cut off the flow of hydrogen peroxide into the graduated cylinder by sqeezing the rubber tubing to tight so I kept a light but firm enough grip so that the water wasn’t just slowly seeping out. If I were to do this experiment again I would test it multiple times because I don’t think the sand would have any humus on it if any so I would wash the sand off in a fine strainer and let it dry out because that would make sure that there wasn’t humus on other materials that touched the sand. Also because the graduated cylinder is lifted for the rubber tubing to go into it I would get something the size of a graduate cylinder in it though with a hole in it to run rubber tubing through so human error would’nt effect the experiment. Because if you held it down to tight you wouldn’t get a high enough result and to light you would be letting more water out than the gas was. Which would make the experiment not able to reproduce results accuretly and ultimetly not a accurate experiment resu