Incubator = 27
Control = 124
Freezer = 0
Window seal = 1
Dark box = 215
The independent variable here is the temperature of where the dished were placed meaning they could grow quicker.
For the Incubator, you can see that the count of colonies was very small compared to some others but the actual size of the colonies were much larger, meaning that the bacteria grows faster than it actually repopulates. This occurred because of the immense heat it was in while it was stored in the incubator.
The controlled and dark box is what surprised us mostly. This is because we thought the controlled and dark box would be the low ballers in the colony count. As it shows in the results, the controlled and dark box are the highest scorers. The reason behind this is simple. The controlled one is placed in room temperature, which is like 23 degrees. It seems that bacteria can grow rapidly in this temperature, given the great amount of colonies. We still have to remember that it’s not the amount of colonies it depends on, it size as well. The reason for the dark box is very different. As we think that the location where the dark box was placed was …show more content…
The aim of this experiment was to find the favoured temperature for types of micro-organisms to grow. The hypothesis was sort of rejected in this experiment as our rule of thumb didn’t add up to the results we got. If we could make our results more accurate, we could have supported our hypothesis but as the results were inaccurate, we could not prove that our hypothesis was correct. Overall this experiment went well even though there were some difficulties and problems that occurred which altered our