. Attention Step
. When will you eat next? Will you be eating dinner tonight? . Need Step
. Today, there are over 446,000 people that are going hungry in San Diego County. http://sandiegofoodbank.org/hunger-in-san-diego/ . A story of a fellow San Diegan and her family who are also having hunger problems. 1. Alejandra in her late 20s moved in with her sister Marisol, her husband, and her three kids to help take care of them.
2. Marisol worked days and Alejandra nights so there was always someone to take care of the kids.
3. Marisol’s husband lost his job as construction worker, Marisol was laid off from hers as a housekeeper at a Holiday Inn, and then Alejandra lost her restaurant job.
4. It became hard for them to find work, but eventually Marisol’s husband found few jobs as a handyman and Marisol worked cleaning a few houses.
5. Barely got by, and it was hard for them.
6. Cupboards were generally empty except for a little of rice and beans.
7. Main concern was children, so adults would often eat little or nothing at all so the kids would have enough.
8. Eventually got support from church and then San Diego Food Bank.
• Here is a picture of Alejandra picking up food at the San Diego Food Bank.
That is a real story about a real hunger problem. http://sandiegofoodbank.org/newstypes/client-profiles/ 2. Feedingamericasd.org says that: • 1 out of 4 children in San Diego don't know where their next meal is coming from… • Scientific evidence suggests that hungry children are less likely to become productive citizens.
• A child who is unequipped to learn because of hunger and poverty is more likely to be poor as an adult.
. You see….our bodies are like engines, engines need fuel, we need food, and both are required to move forward.
2. So next this quote is from sandiegohungercoalition.org, Ken Hecht, executive director of California food policy advocate says that:
“Given the extent of food insecurity in San Diego