Your alarm goes off waking you from a deep sleep. You sit up and open your eyes, crusty and trying to force themselves shut. As you slowly get all of your hunting clothes on, eat, load your gun, and bundle up your really want to just go back to bed. Finally, out the door you go. As you are tiptoeing through the woods, leaves crunching under your feet, the occasional snap of a twig when you accidently step on a branch, you try to make the least amount of noise possible. The cold feel of your gun in your hand comforts you as you walk through the pitch black woods and there is only a few foot visibility. The cool wind brings the smell of rotting leaves and the occasional frightening smell of skunk and you hope you don’t have the pleasure of meeting said skunk. As you slowly inch your way up the trunk of a tree to your tree stand you get bark in your mouth and quickly spit it out due to its taste of dirt and sand with a hint of grass. You patiently wait and …show more content…
Birds and squirrels shuffle through the leaves mimicking the sound of deer footsteps. You are almost falling asleep and are very bored when a at last you see antlers entering your view and your heart starts to beat faster and faster as you get a major adrenaline rush. Your hands start to shake and you try to calm yourself down. The buck gets closer every second, 50 yards, now 40, now 30.
When it gets to 10 yards you pull your gun up and it looks up with a look of paranoia and you slowly squeeze the trigger. As your gun goes off and punches you in the shoulder you see the deer disappeared into the brush. You sit there comprehending what just happened and debating with yourself about when you will go out to look for blood. The shaking in your hands slowly goes away after about 10 minutes and anxiety sets in. All you can think is “did i hit it” or “am i going to find