I didn't know what to expect. I had so many worries about this trip. About us. I was worried we might not be right for each other.
I worried that as sometimes we tend to be like a hurricane and a tornado, we might leave wreckage behind us in the shape of broken hearts.
I was worried this might explode, prepping myself up for it even, as a coping mechanism. I was worried we've gotten carried away with an idea.
I've been hurt before, I've been scared before, I've fallen apart before, I know how to deal with that. I've never fallen in love before.
I've never been with anyone in the ways I've been with you this past week.
I have told you before - I've never allowed anyone to get too close. I've never allowed myself to …show more content…
Shortly after I got home I went to take a nap because I've felt so exhausted. When I woke up it took me half a second to realize I'm alone, that you're not beside me. And then the tears came. And they continued to come on and off for the rest of the day. Still, I'm completely filled with your …show more content…
All of it was practically perfect, so much so that it feels unreal. I want to hold on to the tangible sensation of it all.
I've come across a beautiful saying the other day: "Dreams do not betray us. We rise to betray them first". Dreams remain just that, until someone gets up and makes them into a reality.
I am thankful for you for taking this step, for jumping head in. Taking such a big risk with your money and time - you've made this possible.
Most importantly, this was made possible by you opening your heart. It made me feel safe to open my own.
We must be thankful to all that each of us has went through. The good and the bad. Because that's what made us who we are today. We are able to see. We are not blind. We are, despite everything, not paralysed by fear. Not anymore.
I could go on. I will always have more to share, more to tell you. More to reflect on in retrospect, more observations to achieve. There will always be a sentence I'd feel the need to revise. There will always be an important thought that has slipped my mind and was left out. I'll stop for tonight.
I love you. All of you. All that you are. I love you.
See you