There are a plethora of storms that are common in the U.S but one in particular is a hurricane. Hurricanes are also called typhoons and tropical cyclones in other parts of the world but they are physically the same type off storm. In addition on strong winds that may injure people. Hurricanes can produce tornadoes, severe flooding and beach erosion. Not only is there a physically disastrous storm but mentally there can be a storm to. A mental storm is when you go through a tough time in life thankfully I got to help someone through both at the same time. This experience was really an eye-opener it taught me how to be more thankful for everything. We treated the evacuees with the highest amount of respect because of the simple fact of this could be my town and my family in the same position there in and I know how I would feel and want to be treated.
This incident I got to help some evacuees through a mental storm and physical hurricane storm. They were evacuating from Florida, Savanna, Charleston, and more. My lucky school got the evacuees from Savanna. As they were getting off the buses they all had different expressions and attitudes towards this. For …show more content…
We treated the evacuees with the highest amount of respect because of the simple fact of this could be my town and my family in the same position there in and I know how I would feel and want to be treated. I think everyone should have the experience just to show the things you can go through in life and what others go through. The best gift I got out of this was a lesson. I am a much more humble person than I was before because of this experience. This experience was really an eye-opener it taught me how to be more thankful for everything. We treated the evacuees with the highest amount of respect because of the simple fact of this could be my town and my family in the same position there in and I know how I would feel and want to be