The concept of ”Hus Forbi” has from the start been to create a magazine that could be an outside voice to the public with more focus and debates on homelessness. ”Hus Forbi” is giving the homeless an opportunity to actively participate in the sale of the Magazines, which can be an alternative to things such as begging, criminality and unemployment.
”Hus Forbi” aims to help to promote debate and dialogue with homeless and socially excluded, which typically do not appear in the media.
In other words it is, their voice and their source to put their views, needs and desires on the agenda to politicians, authorities and the rest of the Danes in general. (Hus Forbi, 2013)
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the history of the magazine then there is no doubt that since their first launch in 1996, ”Hus Forbi” has achieved great success. The magazine was started up as a public supported project and are today a self-supporting magazine with over 360,000 readers monthly and 1,400 registered street sellers.(Hansen, et al. 2009)
Although ”Hus Forbi” has in many ways managed with a variety of objectives, there are still goals that are on the fair list. This applies both in relation to the user and seller, but it also applies to the magazine, both in terms of content and layout and a continued professionalization.
Problem Statement:
How can "Hus Forbi" upgrade, to attract customers as well as spreading their message and thus achieve more positive attention among the public, so that the vulnerable in the near future will se results in terms of prejudice and preconceptions?
1. Who is the problem to?
The Danish public and the homeless people.
2. Where can you observe the problem?
The present generations/socio-cultural mentality towards homeless people in Denmark, the fact that homeless people are excluded from the society. (Rasmussen, Hus Forbi, nr. 11, 2013., P. 7)
3. Why is the problem so problematic?
There is a misunderstanding between community and homeless. We have the prejudice of the homeless people of being useless and lazy in addition to work and become a part of the society. The moral aspects of giving the socially excluded equal living conditions.
Method and Theory:
As my problem statement is based on preconception and prejudice I will use the hermeneutic scientific philosophy theory, as this will lead to an better understanding in how the outside world see “Hus Forbi” concept.( Therkildsen, 2013)
I will use qualitative survey, with open-ended questions in order to understand why 50% of the young people won’t buy this magazine. I want to clarify the experience that the potential buyers get from interactions with “Hus Forbi”. I also want to make a sub conclusion through my survey of the present buyer and their opinion about the magazine and the content, as well as implementing of changes of the product.
In terms of my specialization (Purchase) I will screen the buying force, I will be looking at strategic considerations design thinking and value towards the public, as well as a persona of the reader. A TOWS analysis is made to figure out which external and internal areas I find most important to work with. Finally I will make use of Hall S. encoding – decoding model to visualize a future reaction from the target group of our new approach. Delimitation:
I will mostly focus on Copenhagen because it is where I am situated, but as my problem statement is a crucial problem for the nation I will include other areas as well.
Furthermore I will delimit from internal economical aspects in terms of the company and organisation.
In addition to phenomenology I didn’t find it necessary to go out and observe the environment, but instead talk to people. Elsewhere I will be more focused on the community aspect instead of the individual to gain a wider insight into the consumer field.
Idea description – Magazine Spread
My main idea is to make some spreads in the magazine “Hus Forbi”, to attract a younger target group but also to integrate their vision with the society’s prejudice and preconceptions.
I have made the spread in a typical minimalistic way as it allready is in “Hus Forbi”. The spread consist of a white background, “Simple” text form, with pictures.
The content of my example is about the famous street artist Banksy, and his entry in New York. It would be less cost-free if it was a story about Denmark, but the content and layout is relatively cost-free since it only requires editing, research and maybe som copyrights
The design value must be seen in images and text.
I find it more interesting than before, and the content is something I personally can relate to. The chance for you to skip page and read other articles about homeless people is possible, and it is a way to communicate their message and stories to the readers.
The winner effect lies in that we have moved our hermaneutical approach; horizon of understanding, which may in the future provide us with a better understanding and knowledge we can pass to the next generation. I believe that a better way of communication in “Hus Forbi” can change our behavior and thoughts of the homeless. (Appendix 4)
My idea is virsualized in appendix 4.
Analysis & interpretation:
The social group I am investigating are the homeless vs. the established society and how they interact with each other. For the established society, the homeless people will be seen as a burden and for the homeless people the problem is that they do not feel accepted or a part of society. It is clear to see that this problem is current when you look around the streets, listen to people talk or seeing the media coverage, plus if you look at data or statistics there has been an increase in the number of homeless people the last four years. (Benjamin, Lauritsen., 2013., P. 31, Appendix 1)
” Why have you decided to join the fight for homeless people at the polls in the municipal elections.? - Because I can see that the socially vulnerable will be downgraded when the political decisions has to be taken about how we spend our public money.” Says the former chairman for kids council, Lisbeth Zornig Andersen who is in for the election13. (Rasmussen, Hus Forbi., 2013 P. 7)
Based on Hus Forbi we can conclude that their vision is to be heard and accepted in society, the article describes an issue that is current in relation to the homeless and their future in Denmark, especially in Copenhagen, where most of the homeless lives.
I believe that the solution has to be found in a wider target group. The involving of teenagers in the future may change their prejudices and preconceptions in addition to the homeless. As an example of my own prejudices, there were characterized by:
Homeless people are disturbing.
They are alcoholics and drug addicts.
They can change behaviour and attitude and find a regular job.
But the truth is different. Mental disorders and traumatic childhoods, makes it infinitely harder for the homeless to work in our fast-moving society.
I have been using the Tows model to analyse the magazine 's internal and external parts, as well as to get an overview of the problems and solutions that could lead to an upgrade of the magazine. (Appendix 3)
Based on my TOWS analysis, it appears that the general problem is the layout and content. This statement is based on their vision to be seen more in the society. Taken into consideration I have taken Weakness and Threats into use - WT: Boring context and layout + Hard to relate to context, as a regular inhabitant.
My new product will be a more user-friendly content both the visually and content indicates to the younger generation.
To analyse my product I 'd have to get an understanding behind what people really thinks about Hus Forbi. I have based my knowledge from my survey where 25 people have been questioned, I am aware about the lack of volunteers through my investigation, but still it is an insight into the general
Seen from an average age of 20 years, the vast majority of young people either are indifferent or negative about Hus Forbi.
12 out of 25 believes, that the content and layout is simply too boring and on the basis of the analysis I found another different issue, which is. "Do you think the content and layout will attract a younger target group”? 10 out of the 25 asked, answered, Yes while 3 was indicating a Maybe
It amazes me that almost 55% of the respondents actually was positive about a change of layout and content, with the starting point to attract the youth. (Appendix 2)
My survey contained text boxes for each question, so I could pick up the individual 's opinion.
“It would definitely help, but I think it takes more than that. Maybe you should focus more on the attitude of young people should help others in general”.
“I do not think so. Young people are more concerned with social media, blogs and online magazines, than physical newspapers, and magazines”.
“Storytelling around the magazine that could be communicated much better”
Based on these answers, there are some who are aware about, the fact that you have to make the new generation more integrated with the homeless, as they believe that young people are the foundation for the future society.
This can be done by a better layout and content of the magazine, and thus spread a message not only to the homeless but actually unite their humour and intelligence with the rest of the society.
There is a difference in whether you live as a young man in Copenhagen or outer parts of Jutland. Therefore is our Prejudice and preconceptions through the nation also different, and therefore I also believe that corresponding to a Survey would have been more prejudiced if this was a questionnaire or survey from Kolding.
My justification for this is that you in Copenhagen are experiencing homelessness in large numbers, you can not avoid meeting them at stations and other public places - and thereby forming reactions and thoughts which isn’t only negative.
The homeless would like to have a word through in public, it is written in the magazine. They feel as an excluded part of the society and my idea indicates that you have to get hold of the young people to change the future.
The strategic considerations I have made include the replacement of some of the content.
What attracts young people?
Hus Forbi should have 3 spreads containing, culture, music, and perhaps "street stories". And since Hus Forbi have their own homeless writers, it will be more authentic if it were written by them.
The current target group of Hus Forbi are ”The average Joe”, the content of the magazine is intelligent and sophisticated and out of my survey and TOWS analysis I can resume that it doesn’t affects the younger audience.
With nearly 360,000 readers monthly, I believe that the magazine covers a big area through out most of the country.
With my new initiatives I want to enter a market as "Politiken, IBYEN". It is a daily section of the newspaper Politiken where you can see what is happening in the city, reviews of the city 's sites and events, as well as stories: in this case from the street.
The new measures will be able to get more young readers to later in life, have a better perception and understanding of homeless people.
Which is an actual result.
I have used Hall s encoding / Decoding model to analyze the readers ' expectations and thoughts about the magazine. Furthermore I’ve formed a part conclusion of my product.(Therkildsen, Encoding/decoding, 2013)
For my encoding I find it most important to work on people’s values and moral aspects.
I believe I have to keep the magazine in the same spirit, as it plays on cultural values.
Taken a look at the decoding part, I have implemented more, events, and culture in the magazine and upgraded the layout with more interesting pictures.
A persona is made to hold my target group up with the new approach from Hus Forbi. (Appendix 5)
Is this idea realistic?
Seen from a human moral perspective, a lot of people finds it crucial, to raise our kids in a safety society and still maintain the welfare we’ve have build for centuries. On behalf of that I find it crucial for a magazine, which is already into this field, and a right candidate, to try to attract the young people. It’s a massive media covering, speaking magazines and one of the only with so much touch and emotions to the direct consumer market.
During my project I found it hard to adapt to the limited page numbers in order to the maximum of only 7 pages. I would like to have included a thorough analysis of the particular audience and possibilities seen from an economical aspect, but had to define myself.
My survey was made late in relation to the time and I have only been able to achieve response from 25 volunteers. This is not enough for a thorough investigation, yet it can give a true picture of the general opinion in Denmark.
I have been working with different models and theories through this project, and to answer my problem statement, which is:
How can "Hus Forbi" upgrade, to attract customers as well as spreading their message and thus achieve more positive attention among the public, so that the vulnerable in the near future will se results in terms of prejudice and preconceptions?
The TOWS model was used to find the general problem as it is. With the TOWS analysis I have been able to see internal and external points in the company and elsewhere drag an issue as a result hereby.
I have been using a qualitative analysis to find the general problem, which is the layout and content of the magazine. My survey is made with open ended questions, with the result of achieving most comments possible in terms of their meaning about the magazine and to get into which kind of prejudice and preconceptions the volunteers have, which gives a small overview of the society in general.
As mentioned above I have used a hermeneutic psychological method, with open questions in my survey, I have received many opinions and found out that people generally see “Hus Forbi” as too boring. I have formed an overview of the problem through field research in articles, books and reports over the past 5 years.
My final product is a result of how Hus Forbi can target a wider audience by involving young people. It is based by a spread in the magazine, and is substantively different than what it normally is about.
I believe that my new product can be a part of a change in our Prejudice about homeless people. The affect and result of my product is a change of our behaviour towards the socially excluded in the future, and a solution of how Hus Forbi can achieve their future goals.
Reference list:
Compendium, 2013., Hall S. et al, 1980, Encoding/Decoding, Culture media, Language. Hutchinson.
P 130.
Jobber, Fahy., 2009.
Foundation of marketing, Third edition. Mc Graw Hill, P. 107
Hus Forbi 2013, No 11, November, 17 årgang p. 7
Rasmussen, Hus Forbi, ”De udsatte bliver stemt ud 2013, nr 11 November, 17. Årgang, P. 7
Online reference:
Hus Forbi, foreningen.,2013
Hansen, et. Al. 2008, ” Hus Forbi en undersøgelse af koncept og sælgere”., Casa
Benjamin, Lauritsen., 2013 - Report – Hjemløse i Danmark, ”Det nationale forskningscenter for velfærd.
Class reference:
Therkildsen, L.S. Hermeneutics.pdf, 2013. [online] Available at Fronter: [Accessed 29 October 2013].
Guldager, Susanne & Hawaleschka, Maria. Design Analysis semiotics phemenology ijk.pdf, 2013. [online] Available at Fronter: [Accessed 2 November 2013].
Therkildsen, L.S. & Jeune, Helene. The good assignment.pdf, 2013. [online] Available at Fronter: [Accessed 28 October 2013].
Therkildsen, L.S. & Jeune, Helene. Encoding//Decoding.pdf, 2013. [online] Available at Fronter: [Accessed 28 October 2013].
Appendix 1: (Benjamin, 2013, P 31)
Appendix 2:
Appendix 3
Appendix 4 - Virtualizing of the idea description
Appendix 5