Hybrid vehicles are becoming increasingly popular in today’s energy-conscious society. Hybrid cars are environment friendly and require less maintenance than their solely gasoline powered counterparts. While hybrids have their upside, they are still powered by gasoline and can be costly compared to non-hybrid vehicles. Hybrid cars are, primarily, gasoline powered cars with an electrical motor assist. These vehicles rely on hybrid technology to provide higher gas mileage and also lower exhaust emissions. The hybrid vehicle is more complex than an ordinary gasoline powered vehicle because it has two motors, one electric and one gasoline. Gasoline powered engines require gasoline in order to idle, however, electric motors turn off during idling , in turn, using, less gasoline at lower speeds. During stop-and-go traffic, electric motors do not generate exhaust, reducing smog. Yet at higher speeds, an electric motor is still the more powerful of the two. Hybrid manufacturers provide a stronger warranty as well, often from 80,000-100,000 miles versus a gasoline-powered vehicle warranty, which usually ranges between 36,000-50,000 miles. The cost of maintenance for both hybrid and gasoline powered vehicles is about the same. However, due to the hybrid’s ability to shut down the gasoline engine during the idling process, less maintenance is required. The hybrid’s brake system is also less strained when the gasoline engine shuts down. Hybrid cars may be the most fuel-efficient cars of today, yet they are only 20-35% more efficient than gasoline powered vehicles. Being that the hybrid car has two engines, it is also more expensive than a gasoline powered car. Hybrids tend to range anywhere from $3,000 - $8,000 more per vehicle than a gasoline powered car. While hybrids are more expensive, hybrid buyers also receive a tax deduction, to help relieve the strain of its higher cost. This tax relief is
References: Hybrid cars vs. regular cars. Retrieved September 29, 3008, from: http://www.greenlivinganswers.com/hybrid-vehicles/hybrid-cars-vs-regular-cars Dunn, Phillip, (2006, January) Hybrid Cars – Pros and Cons. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from: http://www.physorg.com/news10031.html