I have chosen cancer as a medical condition, which I have an interest in. I will explain what cancer is, the symptoms of the disease and treatments. I will go on to explain further chronic diseases the different changes it has on a individual's life. The feeling of pain, and I will end my essay with the hypnotic techniques used to assist clients with chronic illnesses and cancer.
What is Cancer
Cancer is a disease caused by normal cells changing, so that they grow in abnormal and uncontrolled way. The uncontrolled growth of cells form a lump called tumour. Once the tumour has become cancerous it can cause problems in the following ways:
Spreading into normal tissues nearby
Causing pressure on other body structures
Spreading to other parts of the body through the Lymphatic system ( The lymphatic system is a system of thin tubes that runs throughout the body) or bloodstream.
There are more than 200 different types of cancer. This is because there is more than 200 different types of cells in the body, and each cell can cause its own type of cancer, so in other words if someone has lung cancer, and the lungs have different cells. A human beings body is made up of tiny microscopic sized cells. These cells are joined together to form tissues and organs. Therefore cells work as the building block of our body. Various types of cells in the body perform different tasks, however they are practically similar. A cell has a centre called nucleus, and inside the nucleus are the genes.
Genes function like codes who carry information. Its the genes which control the cell, the genes decide when a cell will reproduce, what task it has and when it will die. The genes would regulate cell growth, and reproduce in a orderly and controlled way. When the system goes wrong