Circle of Willis, above it is the hypothalamus; pituitary and pituitary stalk on either side of the 3rd ventricle.
Pituitary is within the bony socket, at the base of the stalk.
Salatarcica with the pituitary stalk passing down
Cingulate gyrus and sulcus
Fornix which comes out of the hippocampus
Intraventricular foramen – in front of the thalamus and behind the fornix, through which CSF can pass through the ventricles.
Aqueduct, which allows CSF to pass to the 4th ventricle.
The aqueduct – there is a groove in the wall of the 3rd ventricle and this is called the hypothalamic sulcus everything above this is the thalamus, and below is the Hypothalamus.
The borders are the hypothalamic sulcus where there is a groove in the 3rd ventricle, and at the back there is the mammary bodies, which are part of the hypothalamus and then there is the mid brain.
Front to back of the hypothalamus – Rostro-caudally
Rostrum = prow
Cauda = tail
Pre-optic area which lies at the beginning of the optic nerve and at the beginning of the optic ciasasm, then the tuberal/infundibular area, there is a funneling of information both electrophysiological to the posterior pituitary and vascular endocrine information coming to the hypothalamus through the anterior pituitary.
Pituitary stalk funnels information.
Hypophysis = pituitary gland.
Pre-optic area –
Optic chiasm, above is the anterior commissure where the olfactory information passes from 1 side of the brain to the other.
Pre optic area is important for its role in reproductive neuroendocrinology so the neurons, which are going to control the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis are to a large extent located here.
It is also important for thermoregulation.
Paraventricular, supraoptic and suprachiasmatic nuclei –
Para – beyond the ventricle
Supraoptic – above the lateral margin of the optic chiasm and tract
Suprachiasmatic – just above the