A potential study which may begin to examine some of the critical factors would focus on what factors might contribute to academic success in foster children. The study would specifically focus on those individuals in the foster care system who have experienced multiple placements producing constant disruptions and changes, …show more content…
Hypothesis 1: Number of Placements and First Year GPA
a. It is hypothesized that student who have had fewer out of home placement changes will have a higher GPA than students who had greater placement changes.
Hypothesis 2: Number of placements and resiliency
a. I also hypothesize that students who have a greater number of placements will be less resilient that students with a lesser number of foster care placements.
Hypothesis 3: Resiliency and First Year GPA
a. It is hypothesized that students who are more resilient will have a higher GPA that children who are less resilient. Method
I would try to recruit the participants for this future study from two scholarship programs in New Jersey that work to support college students who have been in out-of-home placements – New Jersey Foster Care Scholars (NJFC) and Transitions for Youth (TYF). I will seek permission from the director of both programs to contact the students via email in order to ask them to participate in the online study. The goal would be to recruit at least 25 students or more to participate in the survey in order to obtain a large enough sample to draw conclusions about the population. …show more content…
Caregiver and Context. The Individual sub-level can be analyzed for resiliency in relation to individual personal skills, individual peer support and individual social skills. The Caregiver sub level could be analyzed for resiliency in relation to Caregiver physical care giving and caregivers psychological care giving. Lastly, the context sub level could be analyzed for resiliency in relation to spirituality, education and culture (Resilience Research Centre,