Course: 2007PPP Legal Issues for Managers Student Name: KAREN BATISTA Student Number: S821214
Campus: GOLD COAST Tutor’s Name: GREG TAYLOR Tutorial Day and Time: FRIDAY 2-2.50PM
| |Excellent |Very Good |Good |Satisfactory |Unsatisfactory |
|IDENTIFICATION OF LEGAL ISSUE/S: |The student has accurately and |The student has identified all of |The student has identified most but |The student has identified some of |The student has failed to identify |
|Identify the legal issues in the hypothetical |succinctly identified all of the |the issues and sub-issues |not all of the issues and sub-issues|the issues and sub-issues |any of the issues and sub-issues |
|Separate major issues into a number of |issues and sub-issues confronting |confronting the parties so as to |confronting the parties so as to |confronting the parties so as to |confronting the parties so as to |
|sub-issues where appropriate |the parties so as to resolve the |resolve the legal problem. |resolve the legal problem. |resolve the legal problem. |resolve the legal problem. |
| |legal problem. | | | | |
|UNDERSTANDING OF RELEVANT LAW: |The student has identified all of |The student has identified all of |The student has identified most but |The student has identified some of |The student has identified limited |
|Identify the law which applies to the issues |the relevant law to resolve the |the relevant law to resolve the |not all of the
Links: M Young Legal Associates Ltd v Zahid (2006) – partner without sharing in profits Mollinas v Smith (1932 – Binding on partners