SP 211 07/19/2010
Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about the controversy over the Arizona Bill SB1070.
Strategic Order: Topical
Main Points: I. Arizona passed a new law which grants the local police greater authority to check the immigration status of people they stop. II. The controversy is whether the Justice Department, Immigration Advocates, and citizens believe this law is unconstitutional. III. States, elected officials and United States citizens support the new Arizona Bill SB1070.
Everyone look to their left; now look to your right. Chances are one of the students besides you is an immigrant to the Unites States. In 2008, according to the New York Times there were 11.9 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. Although several laws exist to control the illegal immigration problem in the United States, it is still a growing concern in several states. On April. 23, 2010, the toughest bill on illegal immigration was passed in the state of Arizona. This is a particular sensitive matter to me as well as many other Americans because I too immigrated to the United States of America when I was three years old. Controversy over the bills constitutional standing has led to a lawsuit by the United States Justice Department questioning the bill and its fairness. Currently there are at least nine states backing the Arizona Bill, and according to the CBS and New York Times poll 51% of people are saying the bill is taking the right approach. ( she said I need to preview the main points in the introduction)
(Transition: First I would like to focus on what the new Arizona Bill SB1070 is.)
I. Arizona passed a new law which grants the local police greater authority to check the legal status of people they stop. A. Although there are similar laws that exist, the circumstances of this law are more extreme.
Bibliography: Montopoli, Brian. “Poll: Majority Backs Arizona Immigration Bill.” CBS News 03 May 2010. CBSnews.com. Web. 18 July 2010 Archibold, Randal C. “Justice Dept. Will Fight Arizona on Immigration.” New York Times 18 June 2010. Newyorktimes.com. Web. 13 July 2010 Spencer, Jean. “Several Governors Come Out Against Arizona Law.” Wall Street Journal 30 April 2010. Wallstreetjournal.com. Web. 16 July 2010 “Civil Liberties.” Wikipedia. 2009 ed. Print.