Involved or being a part of consciously developed future planning by using design to achieve the organisation’s aim through visual, functional and conceptual integration of design to create its appropriate external and internal identities, products and service offerings and missions.
HyundaiCard (HC), a Korean credit card company
Even though HC was late for coming into credit card industries, they made a remarkable growth by design management integrating brand identity.
Visual integration by design policy
According to Borja de Mozota (2003), strong brand identity can be achieved by visual integration. As figure 1 below show, HC redesigned their logo and typeface based on the shape, ratio and angle of an actual credit card, perfectly reflecting HC’s identity (Total Active Media, 2004). With strong design policy supervised by ‘HC Design Lab’, the font is applied to all visual channels in the coherent manner for visual integration (Total Active Media, 2004). This reflects philosophy and culture of HC to not only customers but also employees to make strong corporate identity. Figure 1: Typeface ‘You and I’
(Source: Total Active Media, online, 2004)
DM5554 Strategic Design Management
Functional Integration by card design
Consumers are seeking to express the image of themselves through purchasing a product or service that meets their self-expression and assertion of individuality (Cooper & Press, 1995). Similarly, they designed an integrated card hierarchy system according to user’s different needs. The credit cards are designed using alphabet, number and colour with their font (Song and Bang, 2006). Moreover, they applied different alphabets to card for different benefits (Song and Bang, 2006). For example, the ‘M’ card reflects ‘Multiple benefits’. Number system shows level of services (e.g. ‘M2’ contains more services than ‘M’, and ‘M3’ than ‘M2’). With colour, they defined premium level of cards (see