The reality in the story is created by the people who Michele love and respect, he has no control and no idea what is going to happen, that is one of the reasons why the reality is more horrible than the imagination made up by Michele himself. Pino, Michele’s father, has always been the perfect model of a real man who always teaches his children the right things, ‘Papa had a nice smile…Neither my sister nor I has inherited them’ ‘It was like bending an iron bar’. However,
The reality in the story is created by the people who Michele love and respect, he has no control and no idea what is going to happen, that is one of the reasons why the reality is more horrible than the imagination made up by Michele himself. Pino, Michele’s father, has always been the perfect model of a real man who always teaches his children the right things, ‘Papa had a nice smile…Neither my sister nor I has inherited them’ ‘It was like bending an iron bar’. However,