Direct Characterization (pg223. Paragraph 1) “She was very old and small and she walked slowly in the dark pine shadows, moving a little from side to side in her steps, with the balanced heaviness and lightness of a pendulum in a grand-father clock.”
(pg223. Paragraph 2) “She looked straight ahead. Her eyes were blue with age. Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles and as though a whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead..”
(pg225. Paragraph 26)"My senses is gone. I too old. I the oldest people I ever know.
(pg223. Paragraph 2) “She wore a dark striped dress reaching down to her shoe tops, and an equally long apron of bleached sugar sacks, with a full pocket”
Struggle and determination: …show more content…
Literary discovery:
Imagery: (223.1) "...with the balanced heaviness and lightness of a pendulum in a grand-father clock"
imagery (223.2) "Her eyes were blue with age. Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles and as though a whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead, but a golden color ran underneath, and the two knobs of her cheeks were illumined by a yellow burning under the dark. " "Under the red rag her hair came down on her neck in the frailest of ringlets, still black, and with an odor like copper." ( simile)
(224.4) simile "The cones dropped as light as feathers. "
(237.61)“The shadows hung from the oak trees to the road like curtains.” Simile
(237.61)“Then she smelled wood-smoke, and smelled the river, and she saw a steeple and the cabins on their steep steps.” Olfactory Imagery
(238.74)Simile “the wrinkles in her skin shone like a bright net.”
(239.90)“Then Phoenix was like an old woman begging a dignified forgiveness for waking up frightened in the night.” extended …show more content…
Failing eyesight/ Physical challenges
(224.15)“She did not dare to close her eyes, and when a little boy brought her a plate with a slice of marble-cake on it she spoke to him. "That would be acceptable," she said. But when she went to take it there was just her own hand in the air.”
Inferences to societal issues
(225.18) "Big dead trees, like black men with one arm, were standing in the purple stalks of the withered cotton field." (Simile)
(256.59) He smiled, and shouldered the gun. "Well, Granny," he said, "you must be a hundred years old, and scared of nothing. I'd give you a dime if I had any money with me. But you take my advice and stay home, and nothing will happen to you."
Phoenix compare to weed
(226.35)"Over she went in the ditch, like a little puff of milkweed."
(226.41) "No sir, them old dead weeds is springy enough," said Phoenix, when she had got her breath.
The worn path represents the arduous journey that each must take to seek relief for the loved one through continuous struggles and hardships .
Phoenix Jackson symbolizes the community who had endure suffering and persisted for their younger