When we are deployed the Non Commissioned Officers we have been told to listen to could be the one’s who keep us alive. NCO’s are the more mature and experienced soldiers that lead from the front.The non-commissioned officer corps is often referred to as "the backbone" of the armed services, as they are the primary and most visible leaders for most military personnel. Additionally, they are the leaders primarily responsible for executing a military organization's mission and for training military personnel so they are prepared to execute their missions. NCO training and education typically includes leadership and management as well as service-specific and combat training.…
What makes the Noncommissioned Officer so important and why a Marine NCO is so different to…
It is very important to respond to Non Commission Officers because they are the back bone of the marine corps and there would be no marine corps if it wasnt for the non comission officers. I have been tought everything i know about the marine corps from ncos . Also ncos have the hardest jobs in the marine corps ,like being a drill instructor or a squad leader. They also have to be the best leaders and the most inform about any situation. Most of the time ncos know more than officers do. Marine corps Non-Commissioned Officers have tales of their combat experiences have become the stuff of legends. NCOs are the Corporals and Sergeants responsible for the lives of their men in combat. Also they must be leaders of men, but also much more. They carry with them the traditions of duty and dedication to their mission. There is a creed that every NCO lives by. the creed is" I am an NCO dedicated to training new Marines and influencing the old. I am forever conscious of each Marine under my charge, and by example will inspire him to the highest standards possible. I will strive to be patient, understanding, just, and firm. I will commend the deserving and encourage the wayward. I will never forget that I am responsible to my Commanding Officer for the morale, discipline, and efficiency of my men. Their performance will reflect an image of me. " this creed is very important ,its how th marine corps is ran because the marine corps is pracrtically ran by these ncos. Ncos have also been responsible for victoys in many major battles. Tradition holds that in the Battle of Chapultepec in 1847, Marine NCOs sustained an unusually high casualty rate during this battle. In 1849, uniform regulations dictated that the stripes be changed to a solid red. Ten years later, a red cord was inserted into the outer seams for non commissioned officers and in 1904, the simple red stripe seen today was adopted. The marine corps uniforms would not be the same if it wasnt for the Non…
A Marine NCO has done and seen a lot more than you have and have earned respect from those of a lower rank. They have much more knowledge than you and are put in their position to teach you what you know. They are trusted to teach you everything they know so that you can be successful and be able to teach the Marines you will have in the future. If you don’t listen to what they teach you then you will fail yourself and the Marines that you will have in the future. NCO’s have made mistakes in the past and have…
The modern Marine Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) is the embodiment of the Marine Corps history tradition for several reasons. Some of the reasons are because NCO’s are taught to follow the traditions of the past. They know that trust and respect is equally important from both the NCO to his subordinates, and from his subordinates. They also still have the same responsibility as they did in the past. There are more reasons but these are the ones I chose to talk about because I’ve noticed them the most.…
The Marines Corps teaches their recruits in basic training the fundamental traits of a leader within the ranks of the branch of service with the acronym JJDIDTIEBUCKLE. Each letter of the this acronym represents a trait that leaders should acquire and maintain within their professional and personal lives. There are fourteen traits, however the highly visible traits are judgement, loyalty, initiative, tack, courage, integrity, endurance, justice, and decisiveness. The culture of the Marines is the purpose to lead other Marines and take charge. This competitive nature creates a platform that offers Marines the opportunity that they would otherwise receive in any careers or branch of service. The demonstration of all traits determines a Marine’s ethics, and the observation by his peers will follow him because of his character. Integrity and loyalty creates a bond that translates into trust, which allows cohesiveness among Marines therefore, creating teamwork that results in successful mission accomplishments. The Marines’ leadership has stood the tests of wars and conflicts around the world, thus etching the significance of the Marine Corps into history and in modern times to be the best, relentless, and…
Leading Marines is the greatest resource that I have come across so far for guidance and motivation in becoming a leader of Marines. In one neat sentence located in the forward, we are given everything that sums up what is expected of future leaders of Marines: "Our actions as Marines every day must embody the legacy of those who went before us." Marines have a great expectation to live up to, and as commissioned officers we must absolutely carry on the tradition of excellent leadership that has come before us. This leadership comes in many forms under many different conditions. As there are no two people who are exactly alike, there is no single way to lead. Leadership is learned not born; one must utilize personal traits and experiences to find his way of leading. I draw some of my leadership style and experience from leading a football team, O.C.S., and principles I have learned from my parents, while others may draw on school, physical challenges, or any other of their personal experiences. This doctrine is meant to help the leader understand the excellence that they are inheriting, and to give guidance on developing one's own leadership style.…
Firstly, I want to become a Marine Officer in order to serve and give back to my country. Secondly, as I desire to become a Marine Infantry Officer, leading fellow Marines in the Marine Corps as an Infantry Officer would be the greatest honor, privilege, and responsibility one could possess. Finally, becoming a Marine Officer will challenge me both physically and mentally as well as develop me into the best person, citizen, leader, and ultimately the best Marine I can be. I want to be a part of something bigger than myself and make a difference in the world, as Ronald Reagan said “Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don’t have that problem.”…
At MCT I began to see that every Marine in the Corps would have an impact on those around him. Although we had earned the title, we still had much to learn about what it meant to be a Marine and the consequences our actions would have. During my first few days at MCT I tried taking the same approach I took at boot camp and remain hidden and skate by, however my combat instructors had a different idea and I was made squad leader. As a squad leader I found new responsibility and soon realized that I would need to change my way of thinking if I were to keep my job, I soon started trying to be the leader my instructors…
The Non-Commissioned Officers are the backbone of the United States Marine Corps. This is an punctual statement thats helps show the functioning of the Marine Corps today. NCOs keep order and discipline within the ranks, they are the example for all junior Marines. There is a matter of respect earned when promoted to a rank as such. This is what makes the orders given by an NCO a vital aspect of obedience. As well as regarding your leadership with respect is a fundamental attribute instilled within every Marine in recruit training. Respect in the chain of command provides horizontal cohesion within the section.…
The second of the Marine Corps core values is courage. Courage is honor in action. It is moral strength to go above and beyond what is required of us as marines. It means to take a stand for what is right in spite of adverse consequences. It is what enables us to lead not only our junior marines but our peers as well. In the training course we failed in this aspect by not stepping up and taking our fellow marines aside and giving them the motivation to succeed as well as not making sure that they knew that failing the training was not an option. We left our marines behind to fail and that is not acceptable.…
This is part the of the NCO creed that I think most about. Because of some of the leaders that believed in me during my time of mistakes, I have been able to not only advance in my carrier but I am sought out by seniors, peers and my subordinates for my experiences in my career. Soldiers look up to leaders that have made mistakes and used them in a positive way to improve themselves. I have shared my story with soldiers that have been in the army for years and as a Drill Sergeant soldiers that were just coming in to the army to show them that we are just human and will make mistakes, the true measure of a man is what he will do after that…
It was a rainy, humid morning on Wednesday, October 8, 2008, a day I could never forget. I turned over calmly and realized it was 4:30am, time to get out of bed. It was the big day. All these thoughts were racing through my head. “What am I doing? Am I sure this is right for me? Will I succeed in this?” I was timid, excited, and fluttered all at the same time. It was the day I’d no longer be a civilian. Eight weeks from that day I’d be calling myself a United States Navy Sailor.…
A Non-Commissioned Officer is a highly respected role in the Army and those in that role demand respect, and deserve it. To become an NCO you have to be doing something right. You are getting looked at as doing above and beyond your peers. As an NCO you are the one setting the standard, you have soldiers looking up to you, seniors looking down at you and even your peers watching you and judging every move you make. To be an NCO is a hard task, a task made ever harder when you have soldiers that disrespect you, disregard what you say or make you look anything but stellar in front of others. If you are wrong you deserve to be called on it, but tactfully especially by a subordinate.…