Grand Canyon University
Education Administration Foundation and Framework
EDA 534
Standard: 2
An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
Enduring Understandings
Essential Questions
Administrators will know…
Administrators will be able to …
Administrators will understand that…
When the school culture improves (maybe through effective instruction) it can help move staff towards the vision by collaborating.
(ISLLC 2008: A)
Use motivational strategies to help staff and students work together …show more content…
towards a shared vision
The school has to be a positive place where everyone works together. This can improve staff retention and the students’ learning.
Learning is a lifelong process and growth should continue.
Which motivational strategy works best for the members of the school community?
Who should be involved in designing the curriculum, refining, and evaluation? How much involvement should the teachers have?
What professional development would best help my staff improve?
What must students know or what skills must they master to become effective global citizens?
What methods should be used to supervise and motivate the staff?
How can student growth be tracked using performance data? What data should be collected?
To design a curriculum that uses PLC shared power standards
(ISLLC 2008: B)
Support all parts of the of curriculum building such as : design, implementing, evaluation and refining the curriculum.
What is and how to have a motivating learning environment with uality instruction
(ISLLC 2008 C)
Ensure staff have resources and help build a facility based on trust, and increase teacher growth
Monitor and supervise instruction
(ISLLC 2008:D)
Use different motivational methods and supervisory methods to help teachers improve and students learn
Have assessments that keep everyone accountable.
(ISLLC 2008: E)
Share effective methods of collecting data for student assessment.
Standard: #4 (Community Partnerships): An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
Enduring Understandings
Essential Questions
Administrators will know…
Administrators will be able to …
Administrators will understand that…
Diversity and valuing the ideas of the community helps build a safe and open community.
Encourage groups that have different backgrounds to strengthen the community
Having the community of stakeholders involved helps solve issues that may arise through diversity
There will have to be monitoring of the community to ensure everyone is effective.
How to encourage the community to get involved so that you have a diverse population?
What type of functions can the school use to get stakeholders involved and collaborating?
What types of media would be most effective to show your school community in a positive light?
How do we get parents involved in the student learning process?
What are the concerns that the community has or expects from the school? What is the best way to address those concerns?
Schools can meet their learning needs by having and using community resources such as any other forms of higher education.
Cultivate relationships and build partnership with other members of the community
Social functions helps the community make connections with each other and solve problems and effectively remove barriers that could hinder diversity and collaboration
How to get the community and school youth involved with services and school programs
2008: 4B)
The way the school is viewed can be an effective tool for achieving school goals.
How to control how the school is perceived and keep the community informed through marketing tools and other media outlets.
(ISSLC 2008: 4B)
Parents are very important to the vision of providing an education for all students.
Cultivate and maintain positive relationships with parents and encourage them to assist with student learning.
(ISSLC 2008: 4C)
Community needs and family needs are very important to the success of the school.
Identify and Understand cultural, community, expectations for the school
2008: 4A)
Standard 6: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, economic, social, legal, and cultural context.
Enduring Understandings
Essential Questions
Administrators will know…
Administrators will be able to …
Administrators will understand that…
Some political, social and economic factors could have an affect on the school community and your vision
Influence, understand, and respond to changing factors As educational leaders, you and your staff are responsible for making sure each and every student has a safe and effective environment in which to thrive.
What economic, political, or social factors could affect the school and how should I respond to them?
What does the community expect from the educational leaders? How can you support their goals in helping students succeed?
What laws can be used to help or hinder the school?
Can the school impact any local issues, or any political issues?
How do I tell if my leadership strategies are effective for my community?
Children, families, and those who care for them are all a part of your community and you can influence collaborate with them all.
Understand the cultural needs of students and those in the community and be a voice for them.
Give support through programs to support students and caregivers
ISLLC:2008 6A)
the legal system can work for or against schools but it is your job to take an active role
Understand how the legal system impacts learning at your school or the community. How to make sure you act with the bounds of the law while supporting your school
(ISLLC:2008 6B)
Leadership strategies must be supportive of the community and be adaptable.
How to effectively lead the community and to analyze strategies and make necessary adjustments.
(ISLLC 2008 6C)
Unwrapping the ISLLC Standard 1 has been a bit challenging. Our group had trouble getting starting and deciding on how to complete the assignment. It may have been a bit easier had there been an example to go on. After doing a bit of analyzing and rereading the standards we thing we finally got the hang of what the template should look like.
One main problem we faced with completing this assignment was the time difference.
There is a 15-hour time difference between us so that posed a challenge. When we were assigned the group I was in Shanghai and able to log on and stay connected but over the next week I took a vacation to Cambodia as wasn’t always able to connect during a time when he was available. Most of our communication was done via text message through an Internet app. This helped keep us connected in real time which was valuable when either of us had a question that needed an immediate response.
I will admit that at the beginning of this assignment I felt it was pointless to unwrap the standards when I could simply read them. Through the process of unwrapping the first standard it became apparent that there were many more details and processes that I needed to know in order to prepare my self for becoming a principal. I feel more assured that I am on the right track because I have or agree with most of the traits that I have read thus far. I understand that learning about the areas where I am weak and applying that knowledge will only lead to my personal growth and make me a better leader in the …show more content…
Unwrapping ISLLC standard 2 has been even more challenging than the first standards. I say this because this time I was unable to get in contact with my partner so the research and work fell on my shoulders. I believe he is ill so it is no big problem but it is a bit eye opening. I realized that understanding this standard requires me to have a lot more knowledge of motivational and supervisory strategies.
I have always learned best from watching others perform certain tasks and then I see what works, tailor it to my needs and move forward. I see now that the process of finding the proper strategies varies depending on the culture of your organization. For example, I believe that teachers that work hard should be compensated more for their work. This may work for some areas for example in poorer regions where the extra money is needed but it could also cause your staff to lose sight of the students.
If nothing else standard two has taught me to focus on the community as a separate entity than any that I have previously seen or worked with. I should assess the community strictly by their own culture and what I believe may or may not work for them. I have also learned to improve communication between the staff members because they also have a wealth of knowledge to share and are essential for building a great school community.
Unwrapping ISLLC standard 3 has been bit easier than the others.
I attempted to take a little more time to read and think about what knowledge I should take away from this standard.
One of the things I feel that I am lacking on is on issues relating to the fiscal operations of a school. I know that this is a very valid part of any business. I feel that I would definitely need more help in this area. I would one day like to open my own charter school in Texas so it is vital that I learn how to accurately keep track of the schools finances and not leave it to someone else. I was recently told a story about principal and counselor had stolen thousands of dollars from the school over a period of 5 years without anyone noticing. This is alarming for the fact that no one caught it for so long and that they put the school and students at risk.
I’ve also realized that I need more help in legal issues that impact schools. I feel that in the US there is a culture of wanting to take everything to court and get what you can so therefore school leaders have to be aware of the changes and how to be
So far this has been the standard that I have learned the most in and realized that I knew the least. I am willing to take on the task of improving now that “I know that I don’t know.”
ISLLC standard 4 has taught me that there is much more to running a school. I use my own previous knowledge when I try to understand each standard and this one took me back to my childhood.
As a kid, I noticed our school would always hang flyers at grocery stores or other local shops announcing an upcoming event. I would have never guessed that this would have any other meaning than a simple invitation. I now know that as a school leader you have to also use the resources in and of the community to better your school. In a sense, the entire community is a stakeholder with interests in seeing your school and students succeed. After all, the graduates are the ones who will one day be responsible for running the town or city.
This standard has shown me that involvement comes in many forms and on many different levels but collaboration is essential. As a leader you have to understand the need for diversity and how to get everyone on the same page so to speak in order to ensure the success of the school goal or vision. This involves the staff, media, community leaders, and forming new partnerships as well.
At first this seemed like a daunting task. It appeared to have many more gears running the motor than I had ever imagined but then I realized that with any army, successful business, or school, you must have a great team in place because it cannot be done alone. I am sure that this task is one that I would be more than willing to undertake.
Unwrapping ISLLC standard 5 has taught me to look a bit deeper into not only what is ethical but also how this may change when you are not in the United States. I have always felt like acting with integrity and fairness was inherent for most people, but I soon learned that this is not the case, even in education.
This standard has been the one that has truly made me consider my career abroad and how it could impact me ethically. To share a bit of a personal story, when I first arrived in China I worked for an American school owned by a Taiwanese businessman. His concern was not for the student’s education but that they had just enough to keep paying tuition and remain in school. Now this is by no means illegal but is it unethical? I guess that depends on who you ask because for many companies here in China that is simply a way of life. Get what you can at the cheapest price and try to maintain it at all costs. As an educator, his business strategy was flawed because the students were missing out on valuable tools and teaching materials to help them succeed but as a business he was very profitable.
What I learned was that I can’t be the person to sacrifice another’s education for personal gain. I held a leadership role in that school but I could no longer sit idly and watch what was happening so I chose to move on. It was a choice that I have never regretted and feel confident that I can be fair, honest, and ethical even in China.
Unwrapping standard 6 has taught me that educational leaders are responsible for more than just the day to day running of a school. They are responsible for helping educate the community and should be pillars and shining examples in that community and beyond.
I never realized how much responsibility was placed on educational leaders. I always assumed that their jobs ended once they clocked out and went on about their personal lives. Now I realize that being an educational leader means taking an active approach not only to your community but also the political, social, and economic issues that may affect it.
Thinking back on the things I have seen with Dallas Independent School district, there seemed to always be something in the news about how the schools were measuring up or how their leadership was failing them. I understand that the media sometimes paints a negative slant to leaders to make a story but I feel the educator is responsible for making it harder for them to have ammunition. My grandmother always said to live my life in such a way that if someone said something negative about me after I had passed no one would believe them. I feel this is pertinent for our leaders. We must take a stance and say, “Yes, you are human, but we expect you to make wise decisions and act accordingly because you are an example of us and our leader.”
I can’t say that once I am a leader I will live like a saint but I do feel that I must do my best to live in a way where others are proud to follow my lead.
The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium’s standards are a draft for leaders to have as a guide to be an effective leader within the education community. The standards help improve education in the long run by ensuring the leadership team is prepared to offer a quality education in a safe and flourishing environment.
The ISLLC standards set high expectations for all involved in the school community. Having an effective leader leading by example and not only expecting the same from his staff and school but also modeling his or her expectations is grounds for success. The school community must share the vision for success not only for the benefit of the students but also to benefit the community and beyond. In order for implementation of the ISLLC standards to be successful a few key factors must be in place. The leader or leadership team must have strong personal values, be effective communicators and lead and teach problem solving. The leaders must also be able to build and lead their teams. (Mazzeo 2003)Being an educator is a team sport and without the proper players it will be very difficult to succeed. In addition, the leadership team must demonstrate a passion for student learning. Mediocrity will produce likewise results.
Over the course of this assignment it has been my goal to analyze the environment that I am currently in and I have found a few areas that potentially pose a challenge to the leadership team. One thing that I have learned since living and working abroad is that not every country works like the United States. For example, in the U.S. there are common, legal means of starting a school and being successful. It is well known in China that in order to have any successful business you need a certain amount of “guanxi.” What this means is you have to have friends in high places to pull strings or even process paperwork faster. China has more red tape than imaginable. (Chen, 2013) (Chen, 2013)Simple tasks that would normally take one business day can potentially take years if you don’t have the proper channels. Now, I understand this is not uncommon as it happens in the United States but what is uncommon is the cultural acceptance of bribery. I don’t want to say that my school has been involved in such activities but it is a part of business here although it is recognized as illegal.
This goes against ISLLC standard 5, acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. So I pose the question, is it unethical if it is culturally acceptable? My personal opinion is that regardless of the culture it is very unethical. My solution to this problem would be to partner with locals that have the means to legally obtain the necessary permits to staff and run a successful school.
Another major challenge facing my school is overcoming spur of the moment changes from the local government that could potentially affect the administrations ability to staff the school. Recently, there have been last minute changes that make it tougher for foreign teachers to get a work visa. This is due in part by China’s effort to curb the number of foreigners coming to the country each year that could potentially be taking jobs away from Chinese citizens, although Chinese staff are rarely hired for foreign education. ISLLC 2008:6B sums up the efforts that schools need to take in order to be heard. It is important for the leaders to understand and also be in a position to influence policy makers. Schools do this by unifying on behalf of all school communities in this region that cater to foreigners. One area where I feel my school suffers the most this year is by not spending enough time on quality education. I feel that we are stretched too thin with trying to go above and beyond with extracurricular activities in order to compete at the cost of students foregoing extra learning time. (ISLLC 2008:2G) It is valuable to have a balanced education and I feel it would be more beneficial to focus on growth in the classroom before taking time away for outside activities.
The deconstructing process of the ISLLC standards was a challenge. It began as a task that I felt was tedious and unnecessary until the second standard. I realized that there was much more to being an effective leader than I had ever considered. I am now aware that my decisions as a leader can impact the community as a whole and being held accountable goes much further than typical office hours. I have had to take a serious look at the possibility that I could one day be leading a school in Asia and be forced to make a decision that may not be ethical in order to be successful. I am 100% confident in my abilities to stay the course and continue to make decisions based on my personal beliefs of honesty and integrity.
Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium. (2008). Educational leadership policy standards: ISLLC 2008.Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School Officers.
Van Meter, Eddy J. and McMinn, Cynthia. "Measuring a Leader" Journal of Staff Development. Winter 2001. (22) (1) 34-35
Mazzeo, Christopher, "Improving Teaching and Learning by Improving School Leadership." National Governors ' Association. Center for Best Practices Issues Brief. September 12, 2003.
Chen, Z. (2013, August ). China 's Master Corruption Snopes. Retrieved 2014, from Global Post: