I have studied the topic of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management in Manufacturing Industries by Scientific and Industrial Research Journal. The article is concerned about the eight (8) parts of OHS which are health management, safety management, motivation, leadership and training, welfare facilities, accidents statistics, policy, organization and administration, hazard control and risk analysis, monitoring statistic and reporting.
The result of the study shows manufacturing industries are lacking in OHS management, which is the worst on health safety management, but impressing on policy, organization and administration system. There are several factors have been considered by the researcher for every part of the OHS study.
Four factors are identified in order to analyze the implementing and maintaining health management within the organization which are cleanliness, lighting, drinking water, ventilation and temperature. In addition, health insurance is provided as stated in statute.
Next is safety management where six factors are considered in this part which are fire emergency procedure, hoist and lift, means of exit, salivating devices, electrical and confined space. Lack of safety awareness is the main reason for lower safety performance. Company’s public relation board, meeting, training session and newsletter/company pamphlet are several forms of mass media to deliver information and create safety awareness throughout the organization.
The researcher stated that large plants provide more personal protection rather than small plants. This result is considered on the efficiency in implementing and maintaining several individual factors which are training, motivation, education, rest pause, job shift and personal protective equipment. An organization has to provide the OHS training for their new workers, workers with new tasks and temporary workers.
The other part is welfare facilities which are required by the Factories Act 1948.