Health is the complete state of physical, mental and social well being.
Safety is freedom from danger.
Environment, the totality of our surroundings. There are two types of environment. i.e. Internal Environment and External Environment.
Q 1. Outline the reason to maintain good standard of Health and Safety at Work Place (10 M) There are basically three reasons to maintain good standard of Health and Safety at work place. These reasons can be summarised as Moral, Legal and Economical reasons. Moral Reasons – Every employer and employee has got a moral responsibility to ensure the well being of each other. Every employer has got a moral responsibility to protect the people from the pain and sufferings …show more content…
resulted from the activities at workplace. Every employer should take all possible steps to weed out (remove) possibilities of pain and sufferings to the employee during their course of action. It is also the moral responsibility of every employer to protect the faith and co-operation extended by the employee through good practice of health, safety and welfare provisions. At the same time every employee also has got the moral responsibility to ensure safety of their co-workers during their actions and omissions. And every employees should show their commitment towards the moral responsibility with respect to Health and Safety. Society also has certain expectations from every employer in terms of Health and Safety of the people working under them. Society will not tolerate with the employer once the life of the workers are threatened or humiliated. The societies attitude towards the Health and Safety standards is also an integral part deciding the moral responsibilities. Developing countries generally gives more importance to production over Health and Safety. Accident/incident, ill health states of a society will give certain amount of awareness to the people to abide on their moral responsibility towards Health and Safety. Higher risk industries such as nuclear power plants shows their moral responsibility towards the society when comparing with industries of low risk.
: 2 :
Legal Reasons – As per health and Safety at work act 1974 of UK, ILO C155 (convention), ILO R 164 (recommendations) 164, Management of Health and Safety at Work Act 999 every employer are legally responsible to provide safe plan and equipment, safe place of work, safe system of work, provision of information, training instruction and supervision with respect to Health and Safety and appointing competent people for Health and Safety implementation. Every employer are legally bounded to provide safe plan and equipment to the people at work failing which can lead to preventive (enforcement notice, punitive actions (their criminal action including presentment) or compensatory actions (financial compensation) to the employer. In addition to that employers are legally bounded to pay ‘no-fault claim’. No fault claim to the individual through an insurance company. Economical Reasons – poor standards of Health and Safety at work place can invite accidents or incidents at work place which can bring direct and indirect loss to the organizations. A good standard of Health and Safety at work place can avoid or minimise direct and in-direct economical impact on organization. Poor Health and Safety standard at work place can be a major reason for denial of sanctions by funding bodies such as IMF (International Monitoring Funds). In addition to that stakeholders also will be conscious about the Health and Safety of the people and society as well. It is already proved that organization maintains good standard of Health and Safety could generate 10% more than their annual turn-over. In order to avoid legal, social and economical impact on organizations due to poor Health and Safety standard good standard of Health and Safety need to be maintained.
Q2. Outline the societal factors which influence Health and Safety standards and priorities (12 M) The social factors that influence health and Safety standards of an organization could be economical climates of the society where in which employers with poor economical status may underpin (strengthen/emphasize) health and safety over production. Poor economic condition may tempt to the employer to invest on short-term measures such as procurement of PPE in place of long term measures such as training for development. When economic status is poor employer may put employee into long working hours to increase the production with the minimum man power. The poor economic conditions can lead to overtime work which can result into increase in illness which can cause macro-effect (one after another) on buying capacity of the individual and the society as well.
: 3 : The government and its policy initiating can also influence Health and Safety standards. Depending upon the interest of the government new legislations may develop which can lead to formation of policies. A welfare oriented government will definitely insist for the Health and Safety and well being of the people. Trade unions and their involvement in day-to-day, Health and Safety affairs can insist the employer to provide and maintain the minimum standard insisted by the law. The migrant workers are one of the factors influencing Health and Safety standards at work site. Pressure groups such as NGOs, suppliers, customers, clients, local community can also influence Health and Safety standards at work place. Globalization of business is very common these days. In order to survive in a globalized environment organization need to maintain minimum level of Health and Safety standards. Incident/accident rates also have its contribution towards Health and Safety standards of an organization. Higher level of incident/accident rates will reduce the invest capacity of the employer in terms of Health and Safety. Even society and the government may not be able to concentrate on general well being of the people when sickness and absenteeism rates are increasing. Insurance agencies and existence of principles of corporate social responsibilities can also influence Health and Safety standards. Stakeholders, media, certain religious groups can also influence Health and Safety standards of an organization.
Q3. Define Hazards (2M) Anything that has got a potential to cause harm is known as Hazards.
Q4. Define Risk Risk is the product of probability of occurrence and severity of outcomes.
Q5. Identify the elements Health and Safety Management System Common elements of Health and Safety Management system are:
Management commitment
Planning and implementation
Performance review
Audit and
Continual improvement
: 4 :
Q6. Identify the ways to show the commitment of Management about Health and Safety Management Commitment
Through resources allocation for Health and Safety
Recruiting and appointing competent people for Health and Safety implementation
Formulation and implementation of Safety Policies and Procedures
Provision of information, Training, Instruction and Supervision
Incident / Accident investigation and assessment
Dispersing awards and rewards
Enforcement against safety violations
Compiling with the legal requirements
Acting as a role model
Carrying out Risk Assessment
Conducting timely inspection, auditing and performance review
Active involvement into Health and Safety promotions and programs
Enrolling membership in professional Health and Safety bodies such as IOSH, BSC(British Safety Council), NEPA
Setting Objectives and targets
It is the commitment of top level management towards to Health and Safety.
It indicates overall attitude of an organization towards Health and Safety
Signed by senior most officer
It reflects the overall objectives and targets with respect to Health and Safety
The Policy has got 3 sessions such as General Statement of Intent, Organization and Arrangement
It is dated and subjected to be reviewed and revised
The organzing part deals with:
roles and responsibilities, organizational arrangements (organization chart) accoutabiltiy and authority competence and resources reqirements training and communication
It identifies the documentation requirements
Planning and Implementation
The core function of planning is Risk Assessment.
Adequate procedure should be in place
Procedure should be in compliance to the ligislation
Adequate resoures along with arrangements should be in place
Ensure constant provision of supervision at work place
In orderto be success in your planning consultation and communication in terms of procurement, recruitment, training, designing adn environmental protection is required
Performance Review
Through active and reactive monitering method.
(explanation and more points to be added)
Q7. Outline the main elements of Health and Safety Management System, ILO OSH 2001. The main elements of ILO OSH 2001 Management System are: Policy, Organising, Planning and Implementation, Evaluation and Action for Improvement. ILO OSH 2001 is a practical recommendations which can be followed in order to have effective implementation of Health at work place. It is not intended to replace National Legislation or Laws. It does not required certification. Policy deals with the over all commitment of the management to comply with Health and Safety legislation. It reflects the overall attitude of an organization towards Health and Safety. It is signed by the senior most officer of the organization. It is dated and subjected to be reviewed. Policies are to be translated in different languages and to be circulated or displayed. It should be concise and well written in easy language. Organising part deals with individual roles and responsibilities of the people working in an organization starting from employer to a shop flow worker including specialist people. Organising part deals with accountability and authority of the people working in an organization in terms of Health and Safety. It also deals with Health and Safety competence requirements, provision of training and Health and Safety Management System Documentation. It also deals with the upward, downward and horizontal communication within the organization. The Planning part of the management system emphasise the importance of good planning and implementation as part of Health and Safety Management System. The planning should commence from initial review of existing arrangements followed by system planning, implementation and further development. Specific objectives and targets should be set during the planning phase. Risk Assessment is the core function of the planning. Appropriate procedures should be there in place for the prevention and controls. Those procedures should be in line with legal requirements too. Adequate resources are to be allocated for the effective implementation. The procedure shall be implemented through line supervision. In order to have effective implementation adequate consultation should happen within and outside the organization. An effective communication also should be there within the organization. Health and Safety Performance needs to be evaluated through Active and Reactive Monitoring Methods such inspections, audits, safety tour, safety survey, management review, incident investigation etc...And appropriate action for improvement to be taken. The action for improvement could be corrective and preventive action or continual improvement actions.
Q8. Outline the main elements of Health and Safety Management System, OHS 18001. OHS 18001 was first developed in 1999 in response to customer demand for recognisable occupational health and safety management system which can be assured and certified. The main elements of OSH 18001 are established under four main headings such as Plan, Do, Check and Act. The management system can be used for integrated management system along with other standards such as ISO 9001(quality management system) and ISO 14001(environment management system). Policy and Planning is reflected in planning section of the management system. Policy is the commitment of the top level management towards health and safety. Policy reflects the overall attitude of an organization towards Health and Safety. The Policy should be ideal for appropriate size of the organization. A specific policy is a legal requirement too. Policy should highlight the overall objectives of the organization in terms of health and safety. Policies are to be read and understood by everyone in the organization and it is the responsibility of the proper management to disseminate the policy guidelines. For better implementation of policy through planning is essential. Planning for OHS should aim to indentify all possible hazards and risks present at work place. The planning process should also look for control measures against the identified risk. Appropriate procedures should be there in place in order to control work place hazards and risk. Those procedure should be in line with legal requirements and supportive to new technological development. The planning process should also be capable of creating a positive Health and Safety culture. The sub element ‘Do’ highlights on implementation of health and safety concepts. For the effective implementation an operation of OSH 18001 seven areas are to be considered. The areas could be:
1. Competences and Training
2. Documentations
3. Communication and consultation
4. Control of documents
5. Operational controls and
6. Emergency response and preparedness The sub element ‘checking’ deals with performance measurements and monitoring, evaluation of the compliance, active and reactive monitoring, Preventive and corrective actions, controls of documents and internal audit.
The ‘Act’ element of the management system concentrates on continual development. Continual development can be achieved through management review. The top level management should review and ensure that the procedures are being applied effectively. Appropriate action for improvements to be suggested and ensured by the top level management.
Q9. Outline the elements of Quality Management System ISO 9001 series. ISO 9001Quality Management Series is designed to ensure delivery of product and services with high quality. A standardisation in terms of quality is achieved through an effective Quality Management System. The Quality Management System involves establishing procedures to manage everything that affects quality of the manufactured product. The quality Management System is based on certain principle such as Customer Focus, Leadership, Involvement of people, Process approach, System approach, Continual Improvement, Factual Approach to decision making and Mutually benefited supplier relationship. The Quality Management Systems contain 5 sections such as:
1. Overall requirement
2. Management responsibility, policy, focus, planning and objectives
3. Management Recourses
4. Product realisation and process management
5. Management monitoring, analysing and improvement
Q10. Outline the main elements of Environmental Management System 14001 Environmental Management system derived to protect the environment from all possible harms. It is described as the organizational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, process and resources for implementing and maintaining environmental management. Environmental Management System guidelines are formal requirements for those who look for the certification. The main elements of Environmental Management System includes Environmental Policy, Planning, Implementation and Operations, Checking and Corrective Actions and Management Review. The Environmental Policy need to be defined by top management of the organization with visible management commitment towards legal requirements. Adequate planning is essential in terms of Environment Management. In order to have effective planning, environmental impact arrestment to be carried out. Appropriate control measures, protective measure should be there in place. An Environmental Management System should be supported with appropriate procedures and those procedures should be aligned to legal requirements. Specific environmental objectives and targets to be set during planning. The implementation section of the Environmental Management System deals with roles, responsibilities, authority, accountability, training requirements and competence requirement in addition to the above the implementation parts deals with documentation, communication, consultation and emergency arrangements. The organization need to have documented procedures in place to have checking the implementation. The checking can be achieved through active and reactive methods. The management should take the effective measures to improve the standards at work place. Adequate management review needs to be carried out time to time to the performance and for continual developments.
Q11. Outline the benefits and limitations of Integrated (mixed) Safety Management System. The main benefits of integrating safety management, Quality Management could be follows: An integration can reduce the cost involvement in internal audit, documentation, administration, training and mutual programs. Integration would be also helpful in avoiding duplication of procedure, bureaucracy (government administration). An integration can safe time in management review. An Integration of Management System should be helpful in approaching all the risks and consequences holistically(impartial). An integration will be helpful in improving communicational consultation within and outside the organization. An integration can improve the moral of the employee, it can motivate the people and the business can be functioned more customer focused. An integration can be helpful in optimization of internal and external audit. There are chances of less conflicts between areas/systems (Eg. Quality, Safety and Environmental). An Integrated Management System implementation and maintenance required a remarkable level of competence. In practical situation organization cannot expect equal competence in all the field. An Integrated Management System will have single documents. Such documents could be longer adn complex one also. And there are chances of influencing changes in one aspects to other and in terms of revision complete revision is essential. It is practically not possible to have a holistic approach against the risk and consequences. Winder thinking can lead to confusion and practically it is difficult reach into a decision. There are possibilities of vested interest of people managing the system. Due to vested interest there are chances of supervising one area. An integration can create a feeling of loosing controls in particular area. An integration can complicate decision making process and it can confuse the people because of high volume of information. One set of process may not be suitable for all circumstances. An independent approach may be required some times.
Q12. Identify the reason for introducing a formal Health and Safety Management System. Introduction of a formal Health and Safety Management System could be helpful in terms:
Resource allocation and responsibilities
Setting and monitoring performances standard
A feed back loop is possible in terms of health and safety performance
It will introduce a Health and Safety Policy
It can ensure effective internal and external communication
Q13. Identify the role and responsibilities of Health and Safety practitioner The main role of a Health and Safety practitioner are:
Advising the management in terms of formulation of policy, procedures, setting objects, setting targets, Risk Assessment, recruiting and appointing competent people.
Implementation and monitoring of Health and Safety Management System
Designing of management system
Evaluating management system
Assuring the competence of the people in terms of Health and Safety through information, training, instruction and supervision
Reviewing of Management System
Dealing the conflict between the departments
Ensuring professional code of ethics
Maintaining documentation
Assisting the management during accident / incident investigation
C audits and inspections
Advising the management of corrective and preventive action
Q14. The accident rate of two companies is different although they have the same size work force and produce identical products. Outline the possible reasons for the difference (10 M) The difference might be due to, when comparing one organization with other the meaning and definition of incident/accident and near misses might be different. There may be difference in reporting culture. And given companies might have used different multiplies for calculating the accident /incident rates. The hazards and risks present in the workplace may not be the same or equal. The competence level of the employees might be varying. Companies might have used different methods of reporting and different forms in reporting. The overall culture and the management style might have influenced the people in terms of reporting. The level of management commitment in terms of Health and Safety may be different from organization to organization that might have resulting incident reporting. Production demand in terms of both organization could be different. The under reporting culture prevailing in an organization might be the reason for differing the accident rations. The availability and effectiveness of risk control measures within the organization my be different. That might have resulted into different in accident/incident rates. Difference in working environment, over all recruitment policy. Influence of Trade Union and Pressure Groups could be different from organization to organization. Approach of insurance companies. The work premises. Age and type of the equipment being used. There may be difference in perception (P), attitude (A), aptitude(A) and motivation(M). That is why there is accident / incident rates.
Q15. Identify the benefits and limitation of Accident / Incident ratio studies (6M) The accident / incident ratio would be helpful in identifying:
The trend and pattern of accidents in one place
It will be also useful to have a learning point in terms of incident and accidents
It will convince the value of reporting a wide range of events and creates an opportunity to learn more on health and safety
It will be helpful during performance measurement and competence assessment
Incident/accident ratio will serve an evidence of health and safety competence specially during contractors selection and management
A well pictured statics will act an evidence of management commitment towards health and safety
It can be used for training purpose
Incident / accident ratios can be used for comparison of safety standard within or outside organization
There are certain limitations such as below:
Incident / accident ratios can not be considered as real statics due to the possibilities under reporting culture
The meaning and definitions of incident / accidents and near-misses are differing from organization to organization
Different organization might have calculated incident / accident ratios by using different multiplier such as 1 million in UK where as in US 200000 being used
In order to learn from an incident / accident ratio more dates are or sufficient data essential
Q16. Outline the reason for reporting and investigating incident/accident and near-misses (10M) It is a legal requirement as per ILO C155, ILO R164 and as per the ILO code of practice RNOD (Reporting and Notifying of Occupational Accidents and Diseases). To find out the root cause of accident / incident and near-misses to have a learning point to show the management commitment towards health and safety. To assess/measure the impact of the accident, to prevent to reoccurrence, for insurance purposes, for compensation management, for disciplinary action purpose, to support the legal and enforcement actions, for training purpose, to assess the effectiveness of the management system as a whole and to boost up the culture of health and Safety Management System.
Q17. Identify the reason for employees hesitating to reports incident/accident/near-miss at work place (4M)
Might be due to peer group pressure
May not be a reporting culture
Reporting procedure might be too lengthy and exhaustive
Might be due to lack of competence in reporting
Fear of punishment
Under reporting culture
Poor management commitment in investigating the previous incident
Lack of competence
Q18. Outline the incident reporting and investigation procedure Soon after the incident or accident Medical Attention/First-Aid should be provided the people involved. Identify the seen of incidents. Identify, record, collect and preserve physical evidences such as damaged parts of tools and equipment, photographs, sketches and environmental parameters such as illumination level, temperature, humidity, floor condition etc...Identify and record primary, secondary and tertiary witnesses. Make an entry in the log book. Formal initial report to be submitted to the concerning with the following details:
Model Question Papers
Day – 1
Outline the benefits and limitations of integrated management system (10)
2. Outline the societal factors which influence health and safety standards and priorities (10)
3. Define Hazards (2)
4. Define Risk (2)
5. Indentify the ways to show the commitment of management towards health and safety (6)
6. Identify the benefits and limitations of accident / incident ratio studies (10)
7. Outline the elements of quality management system ISO 9001 series (10)
Day – 2
1. Outline the source of information in the identification of hazards and assessment of risks (10)
2. Identify the benefits of external and internal source of information (10)
3. Outline various hazard identification techniques (10)
4. Outline the scope of general risk assessment (10)
Day – 3
1. Outline single domino and multiple casualty theory of accident causations, showing their respectable use and possible limitations in accident investigation and prevention (10)
2. Identify the reason why organizations use range of performance measures (6)
3. Identify the objectives of active monitoring (6)
4. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using internal and external audit (10)
5. Identify the benefits and limitations of using checklist during inspection and audit
6. Identify the objectives of safety tour (6)
7. Identify the difference between audit and inspection (6)
Day – 4
1. Identify the scope of fault tree analysis (6)
2. Identify the scope of event tree analysis (6)
3. Outline hazards and consequences of a ‘bow-tie’ analysis (6)
4. Outline various common risk management strategy (6)
5. Identify the factors deciding risk control (6)
6. Outline general principles of prevention (risk or hazard) (10)
7. Outline the principals of hierarchy of control (2)
8. What are the factors to be considered while selecting PPE (4)
9. Indentify the reasons why PPE should be considered as last line to protection (4)
Day – 5
1. Identify the scope of fault tree analysis (6)