(See the IB document: d_5_comsc_tsm_0505_1_e.pdf for the full version)
Gradesheet Snapshot:
Criterion A1: Analyzing the problem
Total = 12 pts.
(See pages 67- 90 in the IB document: d_5_comsc_tsm_0505_1_e.pdf)
The documentation should be completed first and contain a thorough discussion of the problem that is being solved. This should concentrate on the problem and the goals that are being set, not on the method of solution. A good analysis includes information such as sample data, information and requests from the identified end-user, and possibly some background of how the problem has been solved in the past. A systematic method is one that takes into account what input and output will occur and what calculations and processes will be necessary to obtain the desired output.
Achievement levels Descriptor 0 The student has not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. For example, the student has simply described the programmed solution. 1 The student only states the problem to be solved or shows some evidence that relevant information has been collected. 2 The student describes the problem to be solved. 3 The student describes the problem and provides evidence that information relating to the problem has been collected. 4 The student provides evidence that a systematic method has been used in the analysis of the problem.
This section of the program dossier would typically be two to three pages in length. It should include a brief statement of the problem as seen by the end-user. A discussion of the problem from the end-user’s point of view should