Outsourcing through the use of call centres in low-cost locations is an example of location advantages. Critically assess the benefits of outsourcing to the host country, giving examples.
Information Technology is a huge market. We accept so abounding competitors and companies aggravating to win a bigger allotment of the bazaar that it can be absolutely adamantine to survive. Hundreds of companies are activity out of business due to this competition. One band-aid that has appeared is IT outsourcing. By application these we can abate costs and accomplish college profits on a circadian basis.
Call center is growing business these days as companies on large scale are acquiring their services with the purpose to sell products as by taking lower cost advantage. None of any businessman prefers to invest blindly when he has the capacity to keep promotional budget lower. The rapid growth of this type of outsourcing has made most information technology organizations resorts to get required prowess with the purpose to run operations smoothly. In European market, heavy promotional campaigns used to be run as by acquiring call center services. Customers need not to visit market to inquire product information. He just has to pick of a phone call dialed by telemarketing agents. Call center agents from developing nations are supposed to develop their linguistic skills so well that they can talk with natives without letting him doubt about whether he is talking to another native or to some third world person.
As far as job that has to be performed by telemarketing agent that is to become patronage. He must answer all phone calls and should respond to customer requests. He is supposed to sell product and place customer order in computer system. He must be on follow on stance to meet customer queries immediately. On other hand, he must complete call logs reports in the adequate format. Most of the call center agents have to be given the
References: Tewksbury, D. and Althaus Sl. (2000). ‘Differences In Knowledge Acquisition Among Readers of the Paper and Online Versions of a National Newspaper.’ Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 77 (3): 457-479. Dorf, B. (1997), “Phone-to-phone marketing: telephone call centers are an underappreciated means to that elusive grail of one-to-one marketing,” Brandweek, v38 n33 p25(5). Wolfle, D. (2007). The sensible organization of courses in psychology. American Psychologist, 2, 437-445. Knoll, Inc (2010) ‘A call center case study; the impact of workstation’ from http://www.knoll.com/research/downloads/CallCenterCaseStudy.pdf [Accessed, 09/09/2010] Shen, H ----------------------- [1] Ann all (2007) [2] Pfau, M. and Eveland W.P. (1996). [3] Tewksbury, D. and Althaus Sl. (2000).