Icaro Cloud Simulator allows insertion of information about entities described in ontology. This is achieved via panel containing form where user can insert information. In the web page, where is possible to create a data center, each panel represents a group of entites that are indicated by the name of the panel: for example, a panel with name “#1 groupHostMachine” allow define information about a group of host machines that have all the same features (CPU, RAM, OS, etc.). The viewer classes allow addition and removal of panels for insert more informations or delete …show more content…
Each of this method has a particular name, as it’s possible to see in Figure 4, formed by the prefix “addPanel”, the name of the entity associated with that panel and the name of the entity associated with parent panel. If an entity is associated with the principal panel the name of parent panel is null and it is not inserted on name. For example, GroupHostMachine is a principal entity and the method that can add a panel for this entity is addPanelGroupMachine(). Instead, MonitorInfo is a secondary entity and must be specified in which panel it must be inserted, these informations can be extracted from parameters passed to function: the object htmlPanelParent that represents, as name suggests, the parent panel on which the new panel must be added and the index of …show more content…
In Icaro Cloud Simulator is saved one composite component for each level of panels that it should be possible to create inside a determinated web page. For example, in the web page of creation of data center there are two level of panel, the first level is represented by panels associated with entities that start with prefix “Group” and the second level is represented by panels associated with entitites MonitorInfo and LocalNetwork. So, inside Icaro Cloud Simulator there is a folder called “datacenter” containing two composite component called respectively firstPanel.xhtml and