In this experiment there were many things that were unexpected and rather surprising when were working. Like when we were testing the water and ice biomes there was a pretty steady temp. for both but, the water biome had an unexpected increase of 1.5º right at the end but this did not occur for the ice biome. With all the other biomes the temperatures increased under the lamp and when the light was turned out it decreased as suspected. Something that was strange though was that greenhouse gasses biome had a steady increase with the light but when the light was turned off there was a 10º decrease within four minutes which was way faster and drastic compared to the others.
Several of the strange things in our experiments have explanations to why they happened in the first place. For example the greenhouse gasses biome was fill with carbon dioxide molecules and covered with plastic wrap so it did not escape. When the lamp was turned on the …show more content…
First and for most of the problems is the fact that the lights that we were using were fluorescent and did not give off enough heat to make effect any of the biomes. We would have needed normal electrical lights to have had any effect so instead we had to use another classes work to make the data useable. Another issue was that the greenhouse gasses biome should have been more insulated than it was so that it could mimic the real greenhouse gasses. Last but not least was when we did the experiment and we were supposed to turn the lights off at minute 20 we missed the mark by about 45 seconds which was a pretty long time in the scheme of things and could have made more of an impact on the experiment. In conclusion, there were several pretty major things that affected our experiment as a whole but we were lucky enough to be able to use another classes data to correct our