1. Introduction
The ICT technologies and their constant evolution has placed substantial demands on the structure of the organisation. As a result the concept of organisational effectiveness is central to how an organisation combines ICT technologies and their organisational structure, processes, and outputs. The pace of change is so rapid that how organizations manage change is critical for their futures. In the rapidly changing business environment, uncertainty and equivocality become major obstacles for firms. Information technology then becomes a vehicle for helping firms to reach their business goal more effectively.
ICT technologies can be a powerful resource that can lead to competitive advantage for companies if harnessed properly, to achieve this competitive advantage companies must understand how to mobilise and deploy ICT based resources in combination or copresent with other resources and capabilities. ICT based resources can be divided into three categories: IT infrastructure, human IT resources, and IT enabled intangibles. The overall IT infrastructure compromises the computer and communications technologies and the sharable technical platforms and databases
2. Organizational Structure
The organisation structure institutionalises how people interact with each other, how communication flows, and how power relationships are defined. The structure of an organization reflects the value based choices made by the company; it refers to how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated. How these value based choices are structured determines how the company will adjust to the evolving market and constantly evolving demands from customers.
Organisational structure can take many forms, ranging from highly mechanistic to highly organic. Mechanistic structures are typically highly formalized, non-participative, hierarchical, tightly controlled, and inflexible. Organic
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