To create a system that is easy to use and learn to use, A system that will work on an average home computer with Microsoft access, One that is secure and will be backed up to prevent the loss of data. It should be quick and easy to update any information about a member or coach, for example any payments needing made, any payments received, or any medical information about the players. Players should be automatically allocated to the club when they have passed the medical. They should be put in the correct team according to their date of birth. If their healthy medical status changes they should be removed from the team until further notice. They payments due section should be updated any time a player buys gear off the club; it should be updated automatically when the memberships fees have been paid. The user should be able to get a lift of all the girls. The user should be able to get a list of all the boys. The user should be able to get a list of all the players of a certain age. The user should be able to get a list of all the player born before a certain date. The user should be able to get a list of all the players on one of the teams. The user should be able to get a list of all the players who didn’t pass their medical. The team sheet should be updated when a player does pass his or her medical. A player payments due should be automatically updated when they purchase gear off the club.
The user should be able to print a list of all the boys, girls, coaches etc. the user should be able to print a list of any member who has a sanction. The user should be able to print al list of anyone who has outstanding payments due. The user should be able to print a list of anyone who failed their medical.