Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility
Ayisat akande Justina Brown - biney Christopher Harpe
From the dawn of time, the world has been shaped and changed through the efforts of leaders. Their foresight and vision has lead to some of the most amazing discoveries mankind has seen, as well as the darkest moments of humanity. Leaders range from the religious in the likes of Jesus Christ, to the political leaders like Winston Church Hill. This also extends to the fanatic dictators like Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler. All have played significant roles in the shaping of the world we live in today. However, the authors of this document will be focusing on the area of business. The necessary skills essential for effective leadership and the qualities and traits found in successful business leaders will be examined. This will be demonstrated through the leadership examples of Ricardo Semler, CEO of the Brazilian company SEMCO.
Brief History
The Brazilian company SEMCO was founded in 1953 by Austrian-born engineer Antonio Curt Semler. The main business activity then was the manufacture of industrial pumps for the marine industry. Antonio Semler later turned the reigns of the company over to his son Ricardo Semler who transformed the company in to what it is today. Ricardo first tried traditional management and leadership styles. However, after falling seriously ill while on business in Boston, Ricardo started the change process. He took a holistic approach to management and leadership, acknowledging that engaging the entire human being was the key to providing a better work experience. Thereby, creating improved levels of quality of life, which builds the trust required to lead the creative avant garde company SEMCO. The company is sought out buy fortune 500 companies who seek to study and understand its organizational structure.
Qualities of a good business leader and Team