Being able to follow instructions when it comes to classes and school-type environments insures that the student will be able to pull off a higher score. Knowing how to comprehend and carry out the teacher‘s or instructor‘s directions properly assures that the student will be able to provide outputs that are in accord with the main beliefs and quality the teacher or instructor has in mind. As a result, grades can be a reflection of how well a student has followed or not followed their instructions. …show more content…
There are many instances in which the ability to follow exact orders is required. There are also many more instances in which the failure to do so could result in fatal errors and irrevocable harm. These terrible consequences could not only interfere on the person who could not follow directions directly but could also affect the one giving the directions and also other individuals relying on the outcome of those directions.
You need mental preparedness and physical strength to be fully prepared to take on any conflict as a police officer. To keep up order and look after the general public, you must be able to make split-second decisions that may be ethically and legally difficult to handle. It may call for advanced procedure and coordination. Satisfactory preparation in all aspects of community involvement is necessary for a police officer to do an effective and efficient