Ryan CarabelloPolice OperationsPolice officers have a daunting task of protecting and serving the community. This responsibility comes with many task and aspects. Some of the critical aspects of policing are, capturing suspects which hopefully involves non-lethal tactics more often than not, a very technological side of police actions, protecting people from threats foreign and domestic, and the danger that comes from all of it.
Josh Stone wrote an essay on the life of police officers that can be found on the street directory website. He states that due to the unknown factors and unpredictability of daily situations, police have a very dangerous profession. Daily risks of police officers …show more content…
The very act of arrests and apprehensions place officers in a difficult and dangerous situation. A traffic stop can turn into a shooting for some of the officers who are just doing their job. Sometimes when suspects are being unruly and uncooperative and want to fight the officers, a simple cut could prove to be extremely dangerous because there is no telling if there is some exchange of disease in the process. Furthermore, the mere sight of some of the gruesome things that officers see is enough to cause mental issues.
Police have a variety of non-lethal weapons at their disposal. On the Police Magazine website there is an article from last year that list a few of the non-lethal weapons police use. One of these weapons is light. Recently, police have used high powered strobes to temporarily blind …show more content…
I feel racial profiling is a critical aspect of policing that needs to be discussed because it is so common. Though it is said that America is supposed to have grown and left its racist ways behind that is simply not true. Law enforcement officers and even private security agents constantly target a certain group of people based on the color of their skin. These people are usually not in the wrong, but humiliated, frightened, interrogated, searched, or generally annoyed by officers. It is supposed to be illegal in the country but seeing as it is so hard to prove, the people usually get away with the profiling. In addition to normally finding no good reason to have stopped people in the first place, when the community realizes the profiling, it becomes resistant to police assistance consequently making the officer’s job much harder than it has to be. Black people are the long standing victims of racial profiling, however since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Muslims, Arabs, and South Asians have all become more prevalent victims of racial profiling. The federal government is pressuring law enforcement to hold more raids upon Latin communities in order to catch, detain, and deport illegal immigrants. Because of this push, much like the fear or even hatred of police officers in the black community, people of the latin community tend to fear the