Identify and respond to young people at risk
Assignment Two
Task Two
What does the term ‘risk of significant harm’ mean?
Where there is substantial evidence to suggest that abuse may have been or is likely to be inflicted upon a person/s in a potentially dangerous way.
What are the types of child abuse?
Sexual Abuse Any sexual act or treat imposed on a child or young person.
Physical Abuse Non-accidental injury or pattern of injuries to a child, caused by a parent, caregiver or any other person.
Psychological/Emotional Abuse Behaviour by a parent or caregiver that destroys the confidence of a child, resulting in significant emotional deprivation and trauma.
Failure to provide a child with basic necessities for their proper growth and development.
Domestic Violence …show more content…
Any abusive behaviour used by a person in a relationship to gain and maintain control over their intimate partner
Identify three possible indicators or signs for each type of child abuse/neglect.
Sexual Abuse
1.Resistance in removal of clothing at appropriate times eg. Bedtime or bath time.
2.Exhibits adult-like sexual behaviours
3.Sudden mood shifts eg. Rage, fear or withdrawal
Physical Abuse
1.Injuries including but not limited to: bruising, welts, burns, bite marks.
2.injuries that take shape to form common objects eg, belt buckle, cigarette burn.
3.Injuries that are not consistent with the child's age or development.
Psychological/Emotional Abuse
1.Frequent psychosomatic complaints eg. headaches, abdominal pain.
2.Dressed differently to other children in the family.
3.Self destructive behaviours eg. self harming, engaging in drugs and alcohol, excessive risk taking
1.Unattended medical and or dental care.
2.Lack of parental participation or interest.
3.Steals food or begs for food of classmates.
Domestic Violence
1.Excessive cruelty towards animals
2.Mimicking aggressive language and behaviour in their play.
3.Nervous or withdrawn demeanour.
What does the term ‘mandatory reporter’
Mandatory reporters are people who have regular contact with vulnerable people such as children, disabled persons or senior citizens and are therefore legally required / mandated to report when abuse is observed or suspected.
Why is it important to adopt an ‘interagency approach’?
The interagency approach allows for a full scale service system. It is important to adopt the interagency approach in the child protection sector for many reasons, a few being that it allows the client to feel as though they have a strong network of support and it also allows the client and worker a cooperative system in which neither feels as though they may “slip through the cracks”. The worker and client feel supported in kn owing that the case is being dealt with in an efficient manner and it allows the client to feel as though their case is important.