The Social Environmental level of the Social Ecological Model deals with factors such as social support, social capital, social norms, and more. It is based on relationships on a larger scale than seen in the interpersonal level. It is essentially the emotional or social environment constructed by the personalities that live in an area (neighborhood), or that are found participating in an area (online social networks).
2. Identify two factors within the “Social Environmental” level of the Social Ecological Model and provide an example of how that factor can help explain your health behavior topic.
Factor 1 (1 paragraph):
Social norm is a factor of the Social Environment level of the Social Ecological Model (SEM). It deals with the perceived normal activity versus actual normal activity, as determined by the personalities living in a chosen area. Pertaining to Meningitis infection, the social norm of activity in a college dorm has an effect on the dispersion efficacy of Meningitis causing bacteria. For instance, in the college environment it is a perceived social norm that sharing drinks is friendly (just as an example). This activity happens to be one of the leading ways to transmit the Meningitis causing bacteria: Neisseria meningitidis (Mayo Clinic, 2013). …show more content…
Social support deals with the amount of and type of support provided by personalities surrounding the person in question. As it pertains to Meningitis infection, if students and faculty on the college campus discourage drink sharing, the society will be supporting the decrease of Meningitis incidence. The opposite is true as well. If an individual’s social network supports the idea of drink sharing, that individual is more likely to be prone to acquiring