Toy Story 3 is a 3D computer animated comedy film from United States. This movie is the third one of this series of Toy Story. It was produced by Pixar Animation Studios. In Toy Story 3, Andy is going to leave home for College and he has to leave his toys because he can’t bring them to the College. He only takes Woody along with him to the College. Someday, the others toys find themselves at the day-care center. Andy’s mother donate them to there and the toys think that Andy dumped them but it is not true. They thought the kids in the day-care center would love them. However, things turn out contrary to the way they wish. The kids do not treat them good and hurt them rudely. Lotso is the leader of the toys in the day-care center. Andy’s toys want to escape from this horrible place but Lotso and his gangs do not let them to leave. Woody goes to the day-care center and wants to save his friends to go back to Andy’s home. They have a plan and attempt to escape one night but discovered and caught by Lotso and his gang. Woody and Lotso fall into a garbage truck and close to the incinerator. Woody’s friends want to rescue him because the truck deposits the toys at the landfill. However, they rescue Lotso and Lotso do not expect they will save him too. He is regret for what he did to them. They go back to Andy’s house afterwards. Andy introduces his toys to a little girl who called Bonnie. He gives all his old toys to Bonnie and thinks that this little girl will cherish them. Andy leaves Bonnie’s home and the toys watch Andy leave sadly.
This movie is very touching and I feel a lot after watching this movie. The toys leave their beloved master and try all ways to go back to their master. We can see the relationship between the toys and Andy and they love each other so much. In the day-care center, we can see and feel the relationship between the toys. They plan and help each other to leave. Each of them has involves in this project and they