
Ideologies In A State Of Nature By John Locke

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Ideologies In A State Of Nature By John Locke
Every human being is born with a set of natural rights. The technicality of the natural rights can vary from person to person, but they all represent a few major inborn rights. John Locke places his ideologies upon the reasoning that natural rights are the foundation of the society we live within. If any natural right acquires some type of restriction, the person who has had their rights violated can take necessary steps to replace what they have lost in the state of nature. Locke writes over several circumstances that raise questions as to why an individual can kill another just for stealing their coat and why people can enslave right violators. Furthermore, discussion of Locke’s philosophy will present numerous reasons as to why his ideologies …show more content…
I feel this way since I know people will take advantage of others and if one lets this happen, horrible events could be in store. For instance, the violator could try to steal my personal devices, but if I do not stop that by punishing them, they will continue to walk all over me and eventually strip myself of my natural rights to life and freedom and property. I do not need to kill them of course, but I can discipline them severely enough for them to terminate what they have been doing and to prevent future violators. This will only happen in the state of nature, however, for no government is present, so I would stand up for my own rights. A civil society is what the majority of people worldwide live …show more content…
Life, liberty, and property are three innate rights that all people have in the state of nature. When one of these rights experience desecration, sufficient retribution to prevent future attacks is respectable. Lastly, relating Locke’s philosophy to our day and age still makes sense, if society today was not even a society, but in a state of nature. John Locke promotes plentiful ideologies that protect our natural rights and help prevent future

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