
Igbo Culture In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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Igbo Culture In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart
How many times should you eat a day? Most people say 3 times a day but who determines how many times you should eat? Who says that you shouldn’t be able to eat four times a day or two times a day? Have you ever questioned things like this? If you have then you are a peculiar character and kudos to you! If you haven’t then you have a similarity with the Igbo culture. In Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe shows that if you keep on doing what you’ve always done you will keep on getting what you have always gotten. Achebe shows this through family, religion, and government.
You can’t rule or be essential personnel in the tribe when you don’t have strong family ties and don’t have your house in order. How can Okonkwo expect to be a leader in the tribe when his
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When the tribe consulted about fighting back against the white men it was too late because too many of the tribes own people had already converted or were in the process of veering towards the Christian religion. This is shown when Obierika tells Okonkwo, “It is already too late. Our own men and our sons have joined the ranks of the stranger.” (Achebe pg.135) Among the sons is Okonkwo’s own, Nwoye Who joins because he sees how his father is and wishes to venture a new path because he doesn’t want to be like him. This is also history repeating itself. In the beginning of the novel Okonkwo states how he dislikes his father for his laziness (pg.2) and wishes to be nothing like him so he becomes a great wrestler and establishes high rank within the clan. Then a generation later Okonkwo son Nwoye ventures from

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