First of all, Aristophanes believed that immaturity and youth is outgrown. I agree completely with this point. Everybody goes through a time of immaturity where they are still developing. It is part of life to go through a time of youth and innocence. Luckily, this is not a permanent thing for most people. Most people grow out of the stage of youth and immaturity and become mature adults. Just like Aristophanes stated, …show more content…
Ignorance, as stated by Aristophanes, can be educated until it is no longer a problem. This can be accomplished by teaching someone the correct way to do something until they are no longer confused. Ignorance is almost never a permanent thing, so most of the time it is simply a temporary problem. Drunkenness is the same way at its roots. Drunkenness may be caused because you just don’t know what the right thing to do is. Once someone has showed you the correct way to sober up, drunkenness can be forgotten. As you can see, drunkenness and ignorance are both temporary