Young adults, who are between the ages of 18 and 19, have the right to fight and die for their country, yet they do not have the privilege to sit down and enjoy a beer with his or her family or friends legally. This is one of the most popular arguments spoken about when lowering the drinking age back to eighteen is brought up. In Dr. Ruth C. Engs essay “Why the drinking age should be lowered: An opinion based upon research,” she brings about very strong arguments that most people would not usually think of. Engs says that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 or 19.…
Many people argue that the drinking age should be lowered to 18, just look at our surrounding countries with lower drinking ages. Some argue that the United States has the most careless drinkers with little self-control when it comes to alcohol usage, and some may even say that this is because we were not exposed to alcohol as children like the Germans or French are. Yet, how can you disregard the fact that we have "careless drinkers" and still want the drinking age to lower to 18? I believe the drinking age should remain at 21 for the benefit of our society.…
Many debate whether the drinking age is at a reasonable age. It has been a controversial topic that has influenced many people and has been disputed upon numerous times. The drinking age should be lowered to age 19, for many reasons. The majority of teenagers that want to drink, are already drinking before the age of 21. At age 19 students are out of High School, and getting ready to live on their own. They also have the responsibility of making choices because they are adults.…
According to Fabian Grund, in Why the Legal Drinking Age Should Be Lowered, lowering the drinking age comes with many pros, including less binge drinking, less illegal substance use, and if consumed properly, it could even be good for your health (Grund 5-8). In the article, Fabian Grund says it best: “You can take responsibility to buy a gun, get killed in combat or vote for your president, but you can’t even buy a damn beer.” (2) In other countries, you are able to legally buy and consume beer and wine at the age of 16, and at the age of 18, you can legally purchase liquor. The U.S. also has the highest legal drinking age, which is 21. If alcohol was available at a younger age, it would cut down…
There are many pros and cons to lowering the national drinking age from 21 years of age to 19 years of age. I believe the drinking age should stay at 21 even though many of my peers feel otherwise. People under the age of 21 are drinking whether it is legal or not. They may have a fake identification or have someone purchase alcohol for them, the fact is they are drinking. When I talk with others about this topic, comments are always made such as: when a person turns 12, they can get a hunting license and carry a gun, at 16, they can get a driver’s license and quit school, at 18 they have the right to vote, serve in the military and are considered an adult. They can have a baby and get married but can’t have a glass of champagne to celebrate. I understand these thoughts and sometimes wish it was 19 but when you look at the research, it is better for everyone that every state to set the legal drinking age 21.…
Should an individual, at the age of eighteen, be able to buy and/or consume alcohol? There is a lot of debate when it comes to legal drinking age in the United States. There is always an opinion, whether you are for it or against it. My paper will cover why I believe that the legal drinking age should be lowered to the age of eighteen instead of twenty-one.…
The great debate is rather to lower the drinking age to 18 or keep it at 21. You may think the decision is a lot easier than it should be, but it’s not easy at all. You’re not just dealing with just a number or an age Your dealing with peoples’ lives and what it could do to them and possibly change theirs or somebody else’s.…
The legal drinking age should remain twenty-one. It should not be lowered because teenagers are not mature enough to drink responsibly. If you are allowed to have a credit card, provide for a family, and vote, you should be able to drink at the age it already is. We all know the consequences to what we do to our bodies, that is why we have choices. Drinking can be addicting just like coffee, cigarettes, medications, and body building.…
A number of States in the U.S. are considering legislation to lower the legal drinking age from the current age of 21 to 18. The move would defy a generation of federal law and public opinion in America which is strongly opposed to lowering the drinking age. In 1984, congress set the legal drinking age to 21 from 18, threatening to cut highway funding to states which did not comply, mostly to cut down on drunk driving deaths caused each year by drinking and driving. But advocates argue teenagers are going to drink anyway even if changed. Should the drinking age be lowered? In my opinion, the drinking age doesn't need to be reduced to 18, the drinking laws need to be changed completely.…
• I believe that the legal drinking age in the United States should be lowered to the ages of 18 or 19. The reason it should be lowered is because college students will drink at least once during their first year of college. Legally, at the age of eighteen we are granted the rights of adults. And finally, by forbidding teens to not drink that forces them to drink in unsafe places.…
More than twenty one thousand lives have been saved with the drinking age being twenty one. For about 10 years in the early 1900’s, our country ratified the 18th amendment which banned the production and consumption of alcohol. This amendment led to extreme crime, violence, and even speakeasies. Our country realized that it wasn’t the best idea for prohibition, and we then ratified the 21st amendment that repealed the 18th amendment. The 21st amendment has helped prevent car related tragedies in the 18-20 age group while they were under the influence. I believe the alcohol age should not change because of it reducing crashes, the fact that your brain is more developed and you understand your limits, and a change in New Zealand’s drinking to age 18 has spiked the percentage of alcohol related crashes.…
There is a giant debate on what the legal minimum drinking age should be in the United States. Many people think that it should remain at 21 years old and others believe that it should be lowered to 18. While both have their own various reasons, this has been an important topic in our country for a long time. President Ronald Reagan signed and passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Law in 1984 which obligated states to raise their legal drinking age to 21 or suffer reductions in Federal highway funds. The highway funds and drinking age was linked together by the young lives lost on our highways. Even though this was a satisfactory reason to raise the drinking age there are still more reasons to why it should be 18. Despite what most people…
Drinking at an early age has been an ongoing discussion among young Americans and their opponents, their parents and, elders. Much adolescence believe that setting the drinking age at 21 does not make any difference, and it should even be lowered to 18, as many other countries hold. Even though there is no proof that not legalizing drinking age at 21 genuinely makes a difference, US should not lower the drinking age, and should maintain it at 21 years old.…
The legal drinking age has been a controversial topic for the past few decades. Many may argue that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 since you are already treated and considered like an adult by that age. Others may argue to raise the drinking age to 25 to prevent more accidents that are harming innocent citizens. Thinking that the older you get the more mature you are. And others just say to keep the legal drinking age at 21 since this system has been working fine for the time being. What exactly is the perfect age? The perfect age may never be found but I have some valid points on why the drinking age should not be lowered with anything under the age of 21. We can all recognize that under age drinking has caused many problems in…
Alcohol in the hands of an irresponsible under aged person, can be deadly. Furthermore, for anyone to consider lowering the legal drinking age from 21, to 18, in my opinion is simply ludicrous. John Bowersox reports, “Since Colonial times, drinking alcohol has been part of American culture and its use by young people has been accepted by many as part of growing up. In fact, during the late 1960s and early 1970s, many States lowered the legal drinking age from 21 to 18. Following this change, the number of alcohol-related traffic fatalities among young people increased. In response to these acute consequences, beginning in the early 1980s individual States increased the drinking age to 21. In 1984, Congress passed legislation that would…