Young adults, who are between the ages of 18 and 19, have the right to fight and die for their country, yet they do not have the privilege to sit down and enjoy a beer with his or her family or friends legally. This is one of the most popular arguments spoken about when lowering the drinking age back to eighteen is brought up. In Dr. Ruth C. Engs essay “Why the drinking age should be lowered: An opinion based upon research,” she brings about very strong arguments that most people would not usually think of. Engs says that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 or 19.…
Lowering the drinking age from twenty-one to eighteen would allow 18- to 20-year-olds to drink alcohol safely in regulated places with supervision. Stopping the age group from drinking in bars, restaurants, and other licensed locations causes them to drink in unsupervised places such as up in the mountains or house parties where there are no responsible adults around which they are more likely to binge drink and other unsafe behaviors.…
One argument brought up for lowering the drinking age is that we mature based on experience rather than time, and that there may be little difference between ages 18 and 21, so why not just lower the age to 18. Although that is a good point, take this into consideration. Are freshman in college really as experienced and mature as students ready to graduate? Maybe some are, but "some" means there are exceptions. Do you really want those "exceptions" to be exposed to drinking if they are not ready for it? Because those same "exceptions" will be the ones causing accidents that could have been avoided. If we allow these people to drink, we are not allowing them to mature at their rate. Instead of taking chances, why don't we make sure we give everyone in this age group a chance to "grow up" and reach their full potential???…
The first main point of not lowering the legal drinking age is teen depression. Teens deal with a lot of stress, drinking will turn into binge drinking and then depression ( “Drinking Age“). Also, it is a depressant…
In the U.S. the age of adulthood is 18. And with that comes many responsibilities and decisions that can now be made without consents. But there is still one thing a now young adult can’t decide on their own and that is if they will consume alcohol. The legal drinking age is not until you are 21 years of age. People argue that it should be lowered for it is an individual decision and 18 is old enough to make that decision. The legal drinking age should remain as is because the brain of a young adult is not fully developed till the age of 21.…
There are many pros and cons to lowering the national drinking age from 21 years of age to 19 years of age. I believe the drinking age should stay at 21 even though many of my peers feel otherwise. People under the age of 21 are drinking whether it is legal or not. They may have a fake identification or have someone purchase alcohol for them, the fact is they are drinking. When I talk with others about this topic, comments are always made such as: when a person turns 12, they can get a hunting license and carry a gun, at 16, they can get a driver’s license and quit school, at 18 they have the right to vote, serve in the military and are considered an adult. They can have a baby and get married but can’t have a glass of champagne to celebrate. I understand these thoughts and sometimes wish it was 19 but when you look at the research, it is better for everyone that every state to set the legal drinking age 21.…
Mainly because then they will most likely be in college and then it will take away the whole being cool about drinking underage concept. It will probably lower the number of college students that are drinking. Not saying it will lower it close to zero but it will at least be around 50%, because most do it because it makes them feel cool. I understand that it is the age where people don’t make the smartest decisions in life. But that’s what brings me to my second reason of why it should be lowered. If you can make the decision and serve your country at the age of 18 and be able to die protecting your country then you should in return be able to do what most people say and “crack open a cold one”. I understand that it is the age where people don’t make the smartest decisions in…
Some would argue that the drinking age shouldn 't be lowered because of three very real risks, drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, and violent or destructive behavior. Drunk driving is a stain on our civilization. An average of 17,000 individuals die each year in drunk driving related deaths. It seems quite plausible that were alcohol to be legalized for those under the age of 18, the 15.1% of 18 to 20 year olds who drink before getting behind the wheel would rise significantly. A brief stroll through nearly every campus in America reveals keg parties, crowded bars filled with fake ID minors, and rowdy sorority and fraternity functions. When you consider that adolescence is a time of great impulsivity and tendency for violence and destructive behavior, the dangers of legalizing alcohol for minors become that much more real.…
Most people think that the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen because if the teen is responsible they should be able to drink. Many teenagers have parties that have alcohol at the parties. The teens have other people buy the drinks and then the teenager will pay that person. The fact is that no matter the drinking age there will always be underage drinking. The drinking age should be eighteen because adults are allowed to make their own decisions and at the age of eighteen the person is now an adult (Should the Drinking).…
The legal drinking age should remain twenty-one. It should not be lowered because teenagers are not mature enough to drink responsibly. If you are allowed to have a credit card, provide for a family, and vote, you should be able to drink at the age it already is. We all know the consequences to what we do to our bodies, that is why we have choices. Drinking can be addicting just like coffee, cigarettes, medications, and body building.…
Several would argue that the 21 year old drinking age is possibly too low, some even think that the age should be lowered, and some even think the age should be at 25. I believe that the drinking age should remain the same at 21 due to the fact that there are already plenty of issues with underage drinking. “The Age of Responsibility” by Alan Greenblatt, goes into depth about the different problems and aspects that go into searching for a golden age to entrust people to have the ability to accomplish certain things. Considering that there are an excessive amount of issues that relate to drinking, I feel that there are countless efforts that could be put into decreasing the overwhelming volume of underage drinking, drunk driving, and alcohol abuse. There are copious amounts of conflicting arguments that believe the drinking age should be decreased to 18, whereas some feel that the age should even be increased to 25.…
There has been a question looming for years on whether or not the drinking age should be dropped down from 21 to 18. Many people have views or opinions on what the legal drinking age should or should not be. Right now the legal drinking age is 21, and many people, especially a younger crowd, are working extremely hard to change that to 18. All over the world, different countries have a different standard which leads to a different drinking age. There is a reason why the United States has put the legal drinking age at 21. This was to ensure that there will be no underage drinking, which today has clearly not been the best idea because underage drinking happens more and more frequently.…
I feel that the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen years of age. You are legal to buy tobacco and cigarettes the age eighteen. You can vote at eighteen and you can serve our country as well. I feel like if you are going to be treated as adult then you should get the privileges as well. That is why I think the drinking age should be lowered.…
One of the reasons why the legal drinking age should be lowered is because it would diminish the thrill of breaking the law to get a drink. According to Ruth C. Engs, Pofessor, Applied Health Sciences, “Although the legal purchase age is 21 years of age, a majority of college students under this age consume alcohol but in an irresponsible manner. This is because drinking by these youth is seen as an enticing "forbidden fruit," a "badge of rebellion against authority" and a symbol of adulthood." This implies, students and people under the age of 21 will drink in an irresponsible manner because of peer pressure or just wanting to show adults that they don’t have to listen to them anymore. This also shows, if legal drinking age was lowered then most students and people under the age of 21 would learn that they don’t need to rebel to get a drink or break laws and since 18 year olds get a lot of responsibility like voting, this would add to it and show that they can be trusted with not over drinking.…
Alcohol in the hands of an irresponsible under aged person, can be deadly. Furthermore, for anyone to consider lowering the legal drinking age from 21, to 18, in my opinion is simply ludicrous. John Bowersox reports, “Since Colonial times, drinking alcohol has been part of American culture and its use by young people has been accepted by many as part of growing up. In fact, during the late 1960s and early 1970s, many States lowered the legal drinking age from 21 to 18. Following this change, the number of alcohol-related traffic fatalities among young people increased. In response to these acute consequences, beginning in the early 1980s individual States increased the drinking age to 21. In 1984, Congress passed legislation that would…