Now let watching a video about the caregiving and family conflict.
After watching the video, how do you think of? Do you have the caregiving problem in your family?
In order to avoid or handle conflicts with the following tips:
First, have an effective and open-mind communication to find points of agreement for example hold a family regular meeting to discuss the responsibilities sharing.
Too often, the older adult wants to do whatever is easiest or creates the least amount of trouble for their children. An open and honest talk among all participants—caregivers and care recipients alike—is the best way to identify points of agreement.
Second, listen to each family member with respect. These issues are complex and require ongoing discussions. Give everyone an opportunity to share their opinion and avoid blaming or attacking each other, as this will only cause more hurt.
Third, take a dispassionate inventory. Each family member can find some way to contribute to the effort that is within his or her skills, time constraints, and financial ability, then things will flow more smoothly.
Internal conflict is occurs within an individual. The experience takes place in the person’s mind. Hence, it is a type of conflict that is psychological involving the individual’s thoughts, values, principles and emotions. It may come in different scales, from the simpler mundane ones like deciding whether or not to go organic for lunch to ones that can affect major decisions such as choosing a career path. Furthermore, this type of conflict can be quite difficult to handle if you find it hard to decipher your inner struggles. It leads