IKEA design products are innovative and gone beyond the basic functionality. It constantly seeks value to its products with strict quality. Product is designed to be sold in flat pack and easy assembly with simple instruction. However self assemble makes backfire if not carefully plan, IKEA successfully translate this tradition to norm. Individual main seem as a fun way of getting family work together. IKEA is situated in urban area which land is cheap, unlike retailer who prefer in the city. IKEA is able to bring costs down with its high-volume production and the unique flat pack allows saving of floor space. The flat pack is also visualize aid for IKEA when product is running low, employee could easily identify. The company promotes products to be modular, allowing different variations of the same basic product to be customised to produce greater variety. This allows IKEA to provide greater variety for its products without holding large amounts of stock.
IKEA is different to the rest of its competitor due to the daring and innovative ideal. Breaking through the tradition