Zebbra Hickson
American InterContinental University
The late 19th century Africa we will look to see the validation of illiteracy in the African continent and what educational system and religious practices shaped the culture of West Africa. This paper will investigate what was the African Culture prior to the nineteenth century.
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Globally, non-Western cultures suddenly found that they were defined as outposts of new colonial empires developed by Europeans, resulting in the weakening of traditional cultural practices, political leadership, and social systems that had been in place for centuries.” (Sayre, 2013, pp. 410-411). The settlement of new colonial empires viewed as a gateway for the Western culture to concur new land from the indigenous colonies that were already established. The expansion of Western colonial empires would reap the benefits and expand Western economic and political power in distant lands in the nineteenth century. (Sayre, 2013, pp. 410) The European entrapment was a result in weakening of traditional cultural practices, weakening political leadership, and illuminating social systems that had been in place for centuries. This resulted in the taking away of the traditional cultural system of the indigenous cultures that were with them for thousands of years. As the Western Cultures made their stance more prevalent to the indigenous culture they believed that the Western Culture was had more value than their own, but the truth of the matter, which shows in Paris that the Western Culture was just fishing to find other lands to make their empires look strong when in fact they were weak. To show how the western culture was at a brink of failure, in 1800-1848 the city of Paris grew to approximately 1 million people,
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