But doing so is challenging” (Drake, para. 15). This quote demonstrates that there is no excuse for someone to not work towards social change. Professionals are usually the group who makes excuses as to why they cannot help the oppressed. Whether it be that they don’t want to risk losing the economic security that their present job offers or they have to deal with their personal issues, they avoid joining the movement. Archivists are apart of this group of enablers as they refuse to take a stance. They’re neutral and objective stance demonstrates what side they want to be on. Archivists role is to bury the documents of the past that demonstrate the need for change. They have the tools to actively transform educational experiences about the past and help the oppressed. However, they stay silent and shrink to ino their security blanket. In conclusion, it is evident that we need to look beyond the scope of professionalism and unite to fight for social
But doing so is challenging” (Drake, para. 15). This quote demonstrates that there is no excuse for someone to not work towards social change. Professionals are usually the group who makes excuses as to why they cannot help the oppressed. Whether it be that they don’t want to risk losing the economic security that their present job offers or they have to deal with their personal issues, they avoid joining the movement. Archivists are apart of this group of enablers as they refuse to take a stance. They’re neutral and objective stance demonstrates what side they want to be on. Archivists role is to bury the documents of the past that demonstrate the need for change. They have the tools to actively transform educational experiences about the past and help the oppressed. However, they stay silent and shrink to ino their security blanket. In conclusion, it is evident that we need to look beyond the scope of professionalism and unite to fight for social