Set In the scorching summer of 1978 in the fictional village of Aqua Treverse, southern Italy. The novel Im Not Scared written by Niccolo Ammaniti, Portrays the life of a nine-year-old Italian boy Michele who lives with his younger sister Maria and his mother and father. Michele ponders upon an abducted, young boy of similar age who is chained up in a hovel. Throughout certain experiences and numerous occurrences during his eventful summer such as the revelation of his secret regarding Fillipo to his friend Salvador. Along with accepting the bribe from his father Pino and realising the effects of poverty, Influence Michele to mature at a faster rate than that of an average boy. This brings him to the realisation that loyalty and integrity are much more valuable and desired than money or objects.
Idea 1
Michele is exposed to the idea in which loyalty and integrity are much more valuable and desired than money or objects, when Salvatore is reluctant to give away his soccer cards. As the …show more content…
The poverty stricken town has built up a sense of greed and desperation that has driven them to commit crimes to achieve what is better for their families. Michele’s description “They were quarrelling, interrupting each other, trading insults. Papa was very angry” On page 81 signifies the way that the adults within the town treat each other. This highlights to the reader the idea that they hey lost trust in one another.
Overall, throughout the text of I’m Not Scared Michele Amitrano is presented with a number of occasions and experiences. At first, being innocent and sheltered lead Michele away from understanding the importance of trust and loyalty. The lessons learnt from these events have developed the boy and his morals to understand the importance of trust and loyalty in comparison to money or