Barbara Zitová, , Jan Flusser
Department of Image Processing, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Pod vodárenskou věžı́ 4, 182 08 Prague 8, Czech Republic, How to Cite or Link Using DOI
This paper aims to present a review of recent as well as classic image registration methods. Image registration is the process of overlaying images (two or more) of the same scene taken at different times, from different viewpoints, and/or by different sensors. The registration geometrically align two images (the reference and sensed images). The reviewed approaches are classified according to their nature (area-based and feature-based) and according to four basic steps of image registration procedure: feature detection, feature matching, mapping function design, and image transformation and resampling. Main contributions, advantages, and drawbacks of the methods are mentioned in the paper. Problematic issues of image registration and outlook for the future research are discussed too. The major goal of the paper is to provide a comprehensive reference source for the researchers involved in image registration, regardless of particular application areas.
Image registration; Feature detection; Feature matching; Mapping function; Resampling
1. Introduction
Image registration is the process of overlaying two or more images of the same scene taken at different times, from different viewpoints, and/or by different sensors. It geometrically aligns two images—the reference and sensed images. The present differences between images are introduced due to different imaging conditions. Image registration is a crucial step in all image analysis tasks in which the final information is gained from the combination of various data sources like in image fusion, change detection, and multichannel image restoration. Typically,