Prejudice and discrimination impacts those who are different from the general population. This is a theme that is present within various texts that we examined as a class – the tragedy of being different. These …show more content…
291). The mysterious elements of obscure, esoteric themes conjure within me stunning images of unimaginable illusions like something from out of a Las Vegas show. This imagery, furthermore reappears in the line: “The limelight went out; when it came on, the stage contained nothing but a heap of black cloth, which began to flutter and billow until it gradually assumed the shape of Passauer, who bowed coolly to tumultuous applause; but the ring of a quiet challenge was not lost in the general uproar” (Millhauser, p. 291 – 292). Eisenheim’s magical capacities captured my attention, but the more serious social commentary present within the text is what made me consider this work a