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Why Your Imagination is More Powerful than Knowledge
By: Rodger Constandse
Albert Einstein, who once said, "Imagination is more powerful than knowledge," was well known for his esteem of the concept of "thinking like a child."
This attitude allowed him to understand the universe in profound ways. He used his imagination to conduct "thought experiments" that helped him see the world from new perspectives.
In some of his more famous "thought experiments," Einstein would imagine himself riding on top of a beam of light and then asking questions about what this experience would be like.
For example, if he had a flashlight and turned it on, would he see a frozen beam of light coming from the flashlight riding beside him? If he held a mirror in front of his face, would he see a reflection? Would he even see the mirror at all?
Einstein understood that his imagination would help him see what is possible, instead of what everyone else thought to be obvious or assumed to be true at the time.
In Einstein's case, he gave his imagination the power, and not the knowledge or theories of the day. In fact, his imagination challenged and revolutionized scientific theory and the way we think about the nature of our universe.
Robert Kennedy said, "Some men see things as they are and ask why. I dream things that never were and ask, why not?"
I believe that imagination is more powerful than knowledge because while knowledge helps you see and understand things as they are, imagination allows you to see things as they could be.
Here are some tips to develop the power of your imagination.
Challenge Your Assumptions
Have you ever observed a child? They are very curious and