In response to this challenge,WHO and UNICEF in the early 1990s developed Integrated. Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), a strategy designed to reduce child mortality and morbidity in developing countries.The approach focuses on the major causes of deaths in children through improving case management skills of health workers, strengthening the health system, and addressing family and community practices. However, the original IMCI modules did not include care of the sick newborn during the first week of life, the time when one in three child deaths occur, and it did not emphasize home-based newborn care. IMCI has become a main child survival strategy in almost all countries in the African region, creating a unique opportunity to scale up newborn health interventions using IMCI as a vehicle. Incorporating newborn algorithms in IMCI and strengthening the components of the strategy related to the health system and community will directly impact newborn health. Some of this work has already begun as generic IMCI guidelines and training materials have been revised to include the first week of life. Many countries in Africa are planning to adapt IMCI to include the missing aspects of newborn care. Questions about adapting IMCI in Africa remain, however. For example, should routine home visits for postnatal care in the first week of life be included in the IMCI strategy? Should IMCI include care at the time of birth? Should IMCI training start with management of young infants (0-2 months) rather than older infants and children? What are the challenges in implementing IMCI in an effective way? How can complementary facility-based and community-based approaches be combined? Many lessons can be gained from countries, especially in Asia, where IMCI has already been adapted to Integrated Management of Childhood and Neonatal Illness (IMNCI).
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)