One of the main reasons immigrants came to the United States was because of the industrial growth. This wasn’t the only reason immigrants came to the US. Part of the `reason was because of problems in other countries, such as political unrest in Germany or Anti-Semitism and draft in Russia(Doc.1). As a result of this industrial growth, America grew immensely. For example, one Irish immigrant woman that was interviewed was telling her story about her childhood in Ireland. “My mother kept house and my father had no work but just the bit of land we had, to work at it, and give the cream of the milk to England for everything.” Neither of her parents had jobs so they had a hard time paying rent on their house. There was no place for a bed in their…
According to the textbook it was "The promise of cheap land and good wages drew millions of immigrants to America." Most immigrants were poor and wanted the American dream of settling and getting an income. There were some Irish immigrants who at that time suffered from had a potato famine that happened leading them to poverty and economic damage. There were also some German immigrants that were mostly skilled craftsmen and have an educated profession such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, and engineers. Also, the American employers wanted to recruit foreigners since most of them were willing to work for lower wages than people who were born as Americans. However, when…
Throughout the years 1880 through 1925 the United States witnessed a rise in immigration. Industrialization provided greater opportunities for Americans. America’s gilded age gave off the illusion of a utopian society. The visions of such society attracted many foreigners from parts of Europe and Asia. Though these foreigners helped with the expansion of the U.S, economic, political, and social tensions arose. These tensions included scarcity of jobs for natural-born citizens, American suspicion of European communism, and the immigrant resistance to Americanization. In response the government implemented different measures such as the immigration act of 1924, the emergency quota act and…
During the late 1800s and early 1900s, there are millions of people arrived in the United States and created culture conflicts with native-born American people because of they take Americans job away and make their own society. At the beginning, some Immigrants come to America seeking for freedom. Others dream of getting rich. As a result, the number of immigration shifted dramatically in the 1890s. For instance, the newcomers from Asia entered to America. They lived in their own ethnic communities and accepted low wage. Therefore, it increased the unemployed rate of American people on account of Chinese people…
Immigration jumped from a low of 3.5 million in 1890 to a high of 9 million in the first decade of the new century. Immigrants went on a journey to America due to escaping religious, racial and political persecution or seeking relief from a lack of economic opportunity or famine pushing many immigrants out of their homelands. Hungarians, Poles, Slovaks, Bohemians and Italians went to find work in a new country such as America. However, the vast majority of immigrants crowded into the growing cities, searching for their chance to make a better life for themselves. Staying in America with my family in Europe, outweigh life in America.…
Immigrants came to America believing that there were wages and work and no religious or socio-economic persecution and they were facing Economic hardships, overpopulation and persecution in their home lands. During this time Immigrants were the major part of every industry. Because of a massive immigration of people from all over the world to the United States the US industries didn’t have an issue with labor work. During this time United States was also competing with other nations for Immigrant workers. Immigrants were mostly from Eastern and Southern Europe, Canada and Central America, and some from Asia.…
Immigration in the United States is a complex demographic activity that has been a major contribution to population growth and cultural change throughout much of the nation's history. The many aspects of immigration have controversy in economic benefits, jobs for non-immigrants, settlement patterns, crime, and even voting behavior. Congress has passed many laws that have to do with immigrants especially in the 19th century such as the Naturalization Act of 1870, and the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, or even the Immigration Act of 1903 all to insure specific laws and boundaries set on immigrants. The life of immigrants has been drastically changed throughout the years of 1880-1925 through aspects such as immigrants taking non-immigrants wages and jobs, the filtration process of immigrants into the United States, and lastly, the foreign policies of the immigrants and their allowance into the nation.…
The Gilded Age was a time of social change and economic growth was rapid where millions of immigrants flooded the United States looking for work, especially skilled workers. The Gilded Age saw rapid industrialization, urbanization, the construction of great transcontinental railroads, innovations in science and technology, and the rise of big business. The large expansion of industries led to higher pay among factory workers and laborers but it was also a time of poverty and inequality among the millions of immigrants that came to the states looking for a better future. Most immigrants who worked in warehouses and factories were working in poor conditions and long hours. With the mistreatment of the working conditions progressive reform came…
In the essay, Immigration and MIgration, author Hasia Diner discusses the effect of immigrants on the United States during the late nineteenth century, especially with regard to their effect on industrialism. The late 1800s was a time of immense industrialization and the outbreak of monopolies controlled by robber barons like Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller. Diner argues that although these individuals controlled the industry, immigrants played an immense role in industrialization in that they provided the huge labor force which was required to run factories. Even with the development of technology which could help expedite the process of producing goods, a labor force was still required to run the machines. Immigrants during this era were flowing in by the millions from every corner of the globe. Diner…
Americans citied grew exponentially in the late 1800’s due to immigration. “Approximately two to three million immigrants entered the United States during each decade from 1850 to 1880.” Immigrants flocked to the cities to fulfill their American Dream. Letters from family members already in America were sent to help persuade the move to America. Poor economic conditions along with persecutions of religious beliefs in places like Europe helped the decision to move to cities easier. Foreign cities were overpopulated and food was scare. American cities offered housing, easy access to food, jobs, and communities of similar beliefs. Some of them did not speak English when they came to America but many of their cultural customs allowed them assimilate to the American life easily.…
In the end the immigrants experienced the ongoing effects of the vicious cycle of poverty. Extreme poverty kept immigrants in a vicious cycle by showing just how hard it is to travel to another country to try and achieve better life in America. Child labor ended up keeping immigrants on a vicious cycle of poverty. Immigrants got a false welcome when traveling to America that seemed like a paradise country but ended up seeming very similar to the poverty that they had been all that used to. Immigrants that struggled with their lives usually turned to alcohol abuse, which causes the vicious cycle to repeat…
Over the years migration has had a big impact on society. Europeans have left their homes to live in the United States from the seventeenth century up until this century. They left because of religious and political oppression, because of lack of economic opportunity, and because they wanted to better their families lives. The journey was dangerous because of disease that could kill them and the storms among the oceans. When they arrived in the United States they struggled with the language spoken, finding jobs, and a shelter to live in. Most immigrants suffered with the same challenges along the way. They were faced with obstacles like learning a new language and starting from the bottom and making there way up financially.…
Immigration was a huge part of the industrial revolution, some migrated legal, some illegal. Either way, many immigrants came to the United States searching for a dream, the American dream to be precise. This leads to the question; Why did people immigrate to America? There can be many answers to this question, but some of the most important answers are: political, others economic, while yet others religious, whatever the case was, the United States became a mix of different cultures. However, the main reason for immigration was because of the “Industrial Revolution” Industrial Revolution is basically the changes in industry from the 18th century to the 19th century that started in Britain and then other Western European countries and spread to the Unites States.…
Immigrants ventured to America to live the American dream. They wanted independence and freedom, but many were stripped of their freedom and thrown into factories and companies where they worked strenuous hours on back-breaking jobs, only to get paid a couple dollars. Without other options, these immigrants and other poor people were essentially slaves to the industry and were subjected to low wages, poor living conditions, long hours, and poor working conditions.…
In the late nineteenth century, the need for factory labor increased and so did the industrial workforce. Immigration was a big part of expansion. The new immigrants were coming to America to get away from troubles in their homelands…