An important benefit of immigration is economic growth. According to a research on White House website, “immigration reform would increase real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) relative to current law projections by 3.3 percent in 2023 and 5.4 percent in 2033 – an increase of roughly $700 billion in 2023 and $1.4 trillion in 2033 in today’s dollars”
Ambitious immigrants often start the new businesses and the growth of these businesses result in creation of new job opportunities. Increase in employment rate usually leads to more consumer spending, low unemployment rate, increase in tax revenues and increase in household income. According to the Fiscal Policy Institute, “Small businesses owned by immigrants employed an estimated 4.7 million people in 2007, and these small businesses generated more than $776 billion in revenue annually”
While in the USA, immigration has played an important part in the stabilization of economy. Immigrants also add a great significance to linguistic diversity. In metropolitan cities like New York, Boston and Chicago multiple languages like Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic and Chinese are spoken. But there is a negative side to it. Immigrants use their own language with each other and do not try to learn English which creates divisions in the community.
USA offers a better educational system and job opportunities to immigrants as compare to other countries. For example, If International students qualify, they can study in the most prestigious schools like Harvard Business School and MIT. Immigration law in the USA also provides refuges a